Chapter 4

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Ever since Castiel had heard the brothers' conversation, he made it a point to stay away from them, especially Dean. He avoided Dean when he could, not talking to him and only answering in only a word or two coldly. Still, he'd be lying to himself if he didn't say that acting like this around Dean was hurting him. He could take the pleas, the questions, the demands, and sometimes, even the threats, but it broke him to simply see Dean staring at him, hurt and confused. Sam would try to talk to him, but Castiel would shut down or not answer his questions. At night, since Castiel was still human, he'd lay down in a bed and pull the covers up over himself. He'd just stare at the ceiling or at the wall, a tear or two leaking out of his eyes. Rarely, he'd cry himself to sleep and wake up, feeling hopeless the next morning.

Dean didn't know why Castiel had been acting the way he was. The first day, he was just Cas- his Cas. Then the next day had come around and Castiel wouldn't even talk to him. At first, he assumed it was from guilt, but then when Castiel would only speak to him in two words maximum in a cold voice, he knew something was really wrong. Dean tried to list the reasons that Castiel could be avoiding him. It wasn't from guilt, it wasn't from shame. He couldn't have their conversation.....could he? Dean didn't know, but he wanted to find out. Every day he'd approach Castiel and ask him what was wrong. He would either not answer, give him a glare, or just walk away. It got so bad to the point that Dean grabbed his arm, demanding answers, close to tears, asking why he was ignoring him and what he did. Castiel only pulled his arm away, said, "Don't touch me, Dean," and turned away, leaving Dean to bit his tongue from screaming in frustration and desperation. He never tried to make any contact after that, only watching him with sad eyes and hoping he'd get the message.

To be frank, Sam was tired. Tired of watching his two best friends turn on each other. He could scarcely believe that only two weeks ago they were the best of friends, confidants, lovers. He could only watch as they both suffered in heartbreak and began to wallow deeper and deeper in it. He ignored it at first. He spent his days taking care of them, sometimes running to solve a case, and spent his night poring over lore, figuring how to retrieve Castiel's grace and find out who brought him back. He was beginning to understand how Dean felt when he took care of him, and that it was his turn. Dean had been watching over him and had been there for him ever since he was born- it was time Sam returned the favor. So he made meals every day and made them eat. He made Dean go for drives so he wouldn't be cooped up. He'd sit and talk with them one by one if they needed it, promising that he'd be there for him. But now, he was sick and tired of seeing them act like teenage girls. He resolved to do something about it.

One night, Sam could no longer take it. "Alright, I've had enough."

He threw down his book, ignoring that it landed on the floor, and marched up to Dean's room, dragging his brother down the stair with Dean confusedly asking, "Sammy? What are you doing?"

He sat Dean down in a chair and dragged Castiel down as well, making him sit in a chair next to Dean. He pulled up a third chair and eyes both of them expectantly. "Okay, both of you. I should be the last person to say this, but stop acting like teenage girls! Dean, you're moping around, looking miserable, and you're just letting it get the best of you. That's not the brother I know. That's not the brother who practically raised me. And Cas, I know you know that you're hurting Dean. But you're not making the situation any better by ignoring him. So how about you two talk about your feelings and get them sorted out while I sit here and watch?"

He leaned back into his chair as Dean spoke first. "You don't think I tried, Sam? Every day, I did! For two weeks I've been doing that, but this dick just doesn't want any crap to do with me."

"I am not the one who gave up on us."

"On us? Us? You've been acting like I don't exist for the past two weeks, Cas! And I don't know if you've noticed or not, but it hurts! You think you're the only one affected? Well, why don't you look at it from my POP?"

Sam cleared his throat. "Dean, it's POV. It means point of view."

"I know what POV- what is it?"

Sam rolled his eyes as Dean said, "Never mind. Castiel-" the younger Winchester's eyes widened. When Dean used his full name, it was never good. "How about you stop being selfish for once, act your age and actually talk it out with me?"

"I'm being selfish? After what you said about us?"

"You were listening? Why didn't you just stow your crap, sit the damn down and talk it over?"

"I don't know, maybe because it hurt!"

Sam sighed and rubbed his forehead. Is this how they were going to be all the time? "Guys, you both need to calm down. Dean, sit down. Cas....relax. Just try talking to him, but try not to yell."

Castiel sighed and looked Dean in the eye, all traces of anger gone save for the ice blue stare in his eyes. "Why did you say that?"

Dean played down just to try and aggravate him. "Say what?"

"You know what, Dean."

"Because it was the truth. Cas, when you died, things changed. I changed. Sam changed. We changed."

"I don't understand."

"I know you do. Doesn't it feel a little forced to you?"

"A little," Castiel admitted.

"So.....I don't know what to do, but if we're going to be together" here Sam laughed at Dean's choice of words, but turned it into a cough when Dean gave him a glare, "I don't want it to be like that, okay? I want it to be the way before you died, and it doesn't feel that way."

" it over?"

Dean chewed his lip for a minute and thought. He was dangerous, he was poison. Anyone close to him got hurt. He didn't want anything to happen to Castiel- not yet. So there was only one choice- he had to do the unthinkable. "I'm so sorry, Cas."

Castiel remained emotionless for so long, Dean didn't know if he heard what he said. Then he got up and made for the door. Dean sensed what he was about to do and shouted, "Cas, wait!"

But it was too late. Castiel had already begun running away from him.

Aftershock (Sequel to Writing's on the Wall Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now