Chapter 6

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Here is the new character I promised (played by John Barrowman)

Dean couldn't stand it. He couldn't stand not being close to Castiel. All he wanted to do was hold him, kiss him, tell him everything would be alright. But he couldn't. Instead, he could only watch Castiel and talk to him as a friend, nothing more.

It was true that every minute he spent away from his angel only  made him love him more. But with the love also came pain. He wished more often than not that he could just go back in time to the first time they showed outward affection towards each other and prevent it all from happening. It would hurt less.

Sam was caught in the middle. He was usually the messenger to take messages from Dean to Castiel and vice verse. He couldn't choose a side between his brother and his best friend. Yes, he understood why Castiel was acting the way he was. From his short time as a human, Castiel had become more aware of human feelings, but he didn't know pain. When the person he loved rejected him, Sam knew it hurt more than anything. Castiel had a right to turn away a second chance at new love. But he also knew it wasn't fair to Dean. He had apologized, done everything in his power to respect Castiel's decision, but he was still treated as a colleague more than a "friend."

One day, he was too frustrated to put up with them and walked outside, intending to go for a drive in the Impala. But to his surprise, it wasn't there. Sam wrinkled his nose, confused, and walked all around the house. He scratched his head and was thinking of all the places it could be when a voice spoke.

"Well, who's this gorgeous guy here?"

Sam turned around and found a man smiling from not too far away. "Um...what's going on?"

"Sorry, I'm looking for Dean Winchester."

"And, sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Baby."

Sam's eyebrows rose. "You're Dean's car?!"

"Well, in human form, yes. So do you know where I can find him?"

"Uh, yeah, he's-he's in the house." Sam jerked a thumb towards the house and followed Baby to the front door. He knocked on the door. "Dean! It's Sam!"

Dean opened the door, frowning at Baby. "Who the hell are you?"

"Dean, he's....your car."

Dean did a double take, looking from Sam to Baby. "You're my car?" he asked incredulously.

Baby nodded. "I know. Weird, right?"

Dean groaned and raked his hand through his hair. "Dammit, Gabriel. Why'd you do that to my car?"

"Gabriel?" Baby asked.

"Yeah. Short dude, yea high, long hair, also calls himself the Trickster. Did he do this?"

"Yup, that's him."

"Gabriel, you son of a bitch!" Dean yelled at the sky.

Castiel appeared in the doorway. "What's wrong?" Then he saw Baby. "Who is this?"

Baby waggled his eyebrows flirtatiously at Castiel. "Hey, Blue Eyes. What's your name?"

Castiel looked confused. Sam could sense the rising tension as Dean answered with barely contained jealousy, "That's Cas. He's a friend."

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