Chapter 14

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Dean waited for what seemed like an eternity. Tensed at every sound, eyes darting to every little movement, imagining footsteps and whirling around to find no one was there.

At last, he sat down on a rock and fingered the angel blade, thinking of whose angel blade he was using. Then push came to shove and he began thinking of Castiel. Naturally, he tried pushing the thoughts away, but they returned stronger than ever. What was it about Castiel that Dean loved? Everything, his mind whispered. He began thinking of the first time he had officially met Castiel.


Footsteps resounded from outside, and a man in a suit and a tan trenchcoat walked in, making the lights send off sparks even more.

As he walked right over the devil's trap, Dean and Bobby exchanged glances. What could be so powerful as to merely walk over a devils trap?

Dean followed Bobby's lead when the man showed no signs of stopping and opened fire, watching the bullets hit him. But to his surprise, the man wasn't even fazed. He just kept walking and walking until he was, at minimum, five feet from Dean.

Dean unsheathed the demon knife, but something about the man's eyes stopped him. They were blue, a familiar sort of blue. He had the strangest feeling he had seen them somewhere before. "Who are you?"

"I'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition," the man answered.

There it was, that voice. Now Dean knew with the utmost certainty that he knew this man. It was in the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't say where. "Yeah, thanks for that."

He sank the demon knife into the man, but stepped backwards in shock when the man gazed at it unconcernedly and plucked it out of his chest, dropping it.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dean could see Bobby coming at the man with an iron bar. He was again surprised. The man, without taking his eyes off of Dean, caught the iron bar midair and turned to face Bobby. He pressed two fingers to Bobby's forehead and his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed to the floor.

"Bobby!" Dean made a move towards Bobby, but the man's stare froze him.

Those familiar blue eyes were kind and soft when they looked at him. "We need to talk, Dean. Alone."

Dean knelt down next to Bobby, checking his pulse.

"Your friend's alive, Dean."

"How the hell do you know my name?"

"You don't remember?"

"If I remember, would I be asking you?"

The man sighed. "I'm the one who pulled you out of hell."

Dean started and his hand strayed subconsciously to where the handprint was. "That....was you?"

The man nodded.

"I was wondering why you looked familiar." Then he suddenly remembered. "Who are you?"

"Castiel." The man looked over at the equipment.

"Yeah, I get that. I mean, what are you?"

Castiel tore his gaze away from the tools and looked Dean in the eye. "I'm an angel of the Lord."

Dean froze. His face hardened and he stood up. "Get the hell out of here. There's no such thing."

Castiel didn't bite back with a smarting remark, as Dean expected. Instead, he simply moved to the center of the room. "This is your problem, Dean. You have no faith."

Aftershock (Sequel to Writing's on the Wall Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now