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Castiel began hunting with Sam, always beside him. He looked after Sam just as he did Dean. In a way, he sort of adopted Sam as his younger brother. He made it his job to look after the Winchester, who was having a hard time coping with Dean's death.

He found him once, gazing a pill bottle in his hand , and guessed what he was about to do. "Sam, don't do it."

Sam turned his gaze towards him, his eyes red from crying. "Why not?"

"You'll die."


Castiel sighed and sat by him on the bed. "It's not what Dean would have wanted for you."

"How would you know? He was my brother, not yours."


"You don't  understand, Cas! Every night I'm afraid to go to sleep because I'll dream! I'll dream of Dean still alive and  then I'll wake up to find that he's dead! It's hard for me, Cas! I don't want him to be dead! But he is! He's dead! And it's all because of you!" Sam quieted as he realized what he'd said. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You're right. I miss him every day. It's my fault he's dead, you're right. And I would give anything for him not to be. But you are a brother to me just as much as he was. And I can assure that I don't want this for you anymore than he would have."

"So you're replacing him?"

"No. I just want what's best for you. Put the bottle down, Sam."


"Please, put it down."

Sam's hand slowly released the pill bottle and his arm fell limply to the side. He suddenly seemed younger than he was. He reached for Castiel and surprised the angel with a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"No." Castiel embraced Sam in his best efforts to comfort him. "It's not your fault."

So the days passed as Castiel and Sam hunted the things that went bump in the night. They saved lives, stopped more attempts at unfolding the apocalypse, and accomplished more than they thought.

Sam eventually retired, finding a girl and settling down. Castiel occasionally visited them, although he was perfectly content with watching them be happy.

When Sam died of old age, Castiel accompanied his soul to heaven. He was allowed back in heaven for completing his mission- watching over a Winchester and keeping them alive.

But in his heaven, he was lonely. His heaven was in the bunker, surrounded by memories and photographs of his time with the Winchesters, particularly Dean. Every day he'd pass them and skimmed his fingers over them, reliving the memories. At times, it seemed as if he were dreaming, but he didn't wake up when he pinched himself.

When he was bored, he liked to go to other people's heavens. He liked visiting Ellen and having another drinking competition with her. That woman could hold her liquor well. He enjoyed playing video games with Jo, although he was pretty bad at it. He looked forward to the fatherly talks with Bobby, and he particularly favored listening to Sam's stories on life before they had met him.

But someone was missing. He knew who it was, yet he never dared to speak the name out loud. Often he'd sit by the door of his heaven and wait for some one to walk through. No one did, until one day.

Castiel had been inside his heaven, remembering the time Dean had took him out to a bar when someone knocked on his door. He was not prepared for what happened next.

He opened the door and gasped. There was no way he could forget that voice, that amulet, those beautiful green eyes. "Dean...."

Sure enough, Dean Winchester smiled, moved into his heaven and took his hand. He planted a kiss on Castiel's forehead. "Heya, Cas. Surprise."

Aftershock (Sequel to Writing's on the Wall Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now