Chapter 10

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24 hours later

"So is there a way to stop the Devil?"

"Unless it's trapping him in the pit for all eternity or waiting for Michael-"

"Oh, hell no."

"Dean, I know you don't like the guy, but he is the only one who can restrain Lucifer."

"The only one? Are you sure?"

"That's what it says in the Bible."

Dean held his head in his hands, his mind reeling still from his conversation with Lucifer the night before and the incident with Castiel. Lucifer's words chilled him to the core. Sam dies.....Castiel dies....don't make me do something I'll make you regret. What did that even mean? Dean strained his mind trying to think of possibilities.

"Dean? Dean!"

Dean blinked and realized he was clenching a book so hard, his knuckles were turning white. He released the book and let out a breath. "I'm okay."

Sam was leaning over the table, looking concerned. "Are you sure? You've been acting weird since last night. Did something happen?"

Dean's eyes flew to Castiel, who had tensed his shoulders, expecting him to spill out what happened. His eyes had a cold look, something Dean didn't quite like seeing on him. It was almost as if he was daring Dean to say anything. He wanted to do it this way, fine. Two could play at the game. "No, nothing happened. Just got a visit from our friend Satan."

Sam blinked. "You're joking, right?"

"Look at my face and tell me if I'm laughing."

Sam took a look at Dean's stony expression and decided he was certainly not laughing. "I'm sorry, man. Just..,wow. What did he say?"

"He told me to leave him alone."


Dean revisited the memory of his words. Yes, I admit I'm the one who raised Castiel. But I'm on my own business. So how about you let me do what I do and you chuckleheads do what you all do and pretend this never happened? I'm happy, you're happy, everyone's happy. "He said to let him do what he normally does or he'd kill me, kill you and kill Cas."

"What did you say to him?"

"I told him I'd kill him."

Castiel unfolded his arms and stepped in front of Dean. "Dean, this is an insane task. There is literally no way to kill Lucifer. If he dies, he'll make sure you and Sam die with him. And I can't have that happen."

"You need to get more friends, Cas."

"I'm trying to save the ones I have, Dean."

"Why? I mean, Sam, I get. I'd do anything for him in a second. But me? You don't even like me that much. So why would you care if I live or die? That never bothered you before."

"You don't know that."

Dean's emotions boiled over. He had enough. Enough of Castiel's way of giving him hope and destroying it the next. "Oh, really? Last time I checked, I could have died and you wouldn't even have noticed I'm gone."

"I went down to save you. You mean something to me."

"Yeah, what would that be? And you say you went down to save me. Was it because it was your job or because you actually give a damn about me?"

Castiel's mouth opened and closed, like a fish gaping for water. His mouth set in a line and his eyes looked positively guilty. He wanted to say that he did have feeling for Dean when he rescued him, but that would be a lie.

Dean nodded, eyes hard. "I thought so. I don't want anything more to do with you." He began to walk away but turned back. "And you know what, Cas? You should never have gone down there and wasted your time. You should have left me in hell." With a last glare at Castiel, he grabbed his jacket and stormed outside, banging the door as he walked out.

Castiel didn't hear anything. He stood, frozen, blood pounding in his ears, tears beginning to fill his eyes as he remembered Dean's words. You don't even like me that much.....why would you care if I live or die.....I could have died and you wouldn't even have noticed I'm say you went down to save me. Was it because it was your job or because you actually give a damn about me.....I don't want anything more to do with should have left me in hell....

He didn't notice he had collapsed backwards until he suddenly saw Sam's face in front of him. "Cas. Hey, hey, hey, Cas. You okay?"

Castiel looked up at him. "He meant that, didn't he?"

"No, he didn't. He just got mad. He didn't mean it, Cas. Any of it."

"I'm not so sure."

Sam watched the whole argument, he saw. He could physically hear his heart hurting for Castiel. He saw the way Castiel had practically withered under Dean's speech and he didn't like it. His two best friends were turning against each other a she couldn't do anything about it. He had never heard Dean say such hurtful things to anyone, and that's saying a lot. "You have to understand, Cas, he's still pretty torn up over you. And I think that you guys have small moments when I can't see. But it's not good p. It's unfair to him for you to get his hopes up and destroy them the next. You might not know it, but you've been playing him and he's breaking."

"I know. And I'm sorry."

"Don't tell me. Tell him. And Cas? I'm personally glad you pulled Dean out." Sam left the room, leaving Castiel to his thoughts. He picked up an angel blade and felt hatred course through him. "I'm going to kill you, Lucifer. I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to us."

Aftershock (Sequel to Writing's on the Wall Destiel)Where stories live. Discover now