He took a corner that went in a valley...

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Hey guys, this is my first work, but it's on a different website, Quotev. You should so go over there. Check out some of my work. But I'm going to put a story I feel good about and I love, so if you like. Vote, comment, and all that shit. Hope you enjoy!


­I was walking down the street when a guy came running out of a bank. He had a gun, but didn’t realize I was standing there. Although, I was a few feet a ways, there was a tree and I hid behind it. Just for good measure. Then ten seconds later I heard an alarm go off. But the man was half way down the street already. So I had nothing to do and ran after him. But stayed away from him a good few miles but he didn’t even notice me. Which are strange, people usually notice me. I guess he was in a rush and didn’t have time to look if anybody saw him. He took a corner that went in a valley...

            Hi I'm Rocky, and I'm the regular teen ager. I shop with my friends and I gossip about the most stupid things you could think about. I have a dog that’s name is Ginger, She's a husky and loves me like her mother, well technically I am. Well as a regular teenager in high school, the boys are noticing me more. Wish they hadn’t because they never noticed me before, so why now? Yeah I know there slow.

Well the most stupid thing is that when I saw a bugler run away from a bank. And he didn’t even notice me. And I followed him a few miles running behind him. He ran into an alley and disappeared. I didn’t want to see where he went so I left without going in there. For all I know he could've seen me but didn’t acknowledge me. And I always think that he saw me running behind him. I didn’t say anything, but sometimes my friends say I'm a quiet runner. Which I assume is a compliment.

As you may have heard...

But when I ran after the guy, something about his shoes was really familiar. I've seen them on a kid that goes to my school. But I could just be over thinking this. A lot of people could have that same design on their shoes.

Back to reality...

I was sitting on my coach when my doorbell rang. I looked at the time and it was time for my best friend to come over. I got up and answered the door. She smiled and I smiled right back at her. "Hey Rosa, finally you get here after three hours!!!" I playfully said and hit her arm as she came in. She rolled her eyes and set down her keys and bag.

"You wish, babe. “She said and hit me in the shoulder when I closed the door and locked it. Nobody was home so it was only me and her. My parents were off at a job thing that was in Florida and stuff. My older brother was spending the night at his friend’s house. So I was left home alone and made the great idea of inviting my friend Rosa.

"Alright, so what do you want to do? “I asked, going into the living room with her after me.

"How about a night drive? “She asked and I nodded my head. I don’t like going alone in the night because of what happened ago a few nights ago. The guy got away and didn’t get caught. And I didn’t want to tell my mom and dad they'd freak and question me why I would be going out in the night and by myself. They are kind of like protective... no let me rephrase really protective. "Alright let’s go darling.

“She said , walking to her keys on the table she left them.

See my best friend Rosa ... her kind of crazy in the head. I tell her to put her imagination on piece of paper, but she just blows away the offer... she has some magical stuff brewing up in there.

I grabbed my purse off the stand, and followed her out, locking the door in the process. She was getting in her car. And me in the other side door which she wasn’t getting in.

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