My dog doesnt like Sam

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~I promise you it'll get interesting in the next few chapters!~

Rosa said, her dad wanted them home, so I couldn't stay with Sam for long either. Which made me sad, but I grabbed Rosa's hand and pulled her to the bathroom to talk. She was so happy to hear I like Sam in a way.

"Rosa I think I'm falling for your brother." I said, I didn't meet her eyes and then she exhaled madly which I knew that wasn't a good sign. But then I felt arms encircle me and squeezed the crap out of me. I cracked a smile and hug her back.

"I could tell by just the way he has been looking at you." She said, backing up. I smiled and had a blush come on my cheek, I look at Rosa.

"Rosa, You don't mind me dating Sam, do you?" I asked, she looked me in the eyes and breathed out. She nod her head giving me a sad look.

"Rocky I know your trying to be a good friend, but I cant just know your dating my brother." She said.

"Alright Rosa. Fine but you cant have my brother. Just because I can't have your brother." I said. Folding my arms.

"Rocky..." She whinnied and I knew she was gonna get her way.

"Rosa. I. Don't. Want. To. Ruin. Our. Friendship. But I cant just watch you date my brother and I cant have yours. Until we figure it out we cant date anyone." I said. Looking at her.

"Fine." She said, shrugging her shoulders and glared at me.

"Don't give me that look. Your the one who isn't being fair." I said, giving her my known stair.

"It wasn't just me... Your brother, he uh, he kinda asked me to be his." She said. I looked at her and pushed past her. "Wait, Rocky I didn't mean it like that. OK ill make a deal with you." She said, grabbing my arm.

It meant if I didn't have a good reason to even  want to talk to her, but she had the deal into this. I sighed heavily, "What is it?"

"OK, if we can make a deal, we can see each other with them and we wont get mad what so ever. And I don't want this to become between us and I want to at least have history to tell." Rosa said as she smiled. I had a smile growing onto my face! I was so freak in happy I almost squeezed the life out of her.

~~~ 3 hours later~~~

"Sammie come here!" I screamed out side of my room. His head popped out of the laundry room where he was looking for to dry his close, he was sweaty and I wouldn't let him come near me if he was sweaty... Short verse he went to play football with his friends and I watched. He kinda made me run away from him and it turned out I almost got tackled down by one of the older friends but he got me first and then there was a dog pile.

"How many times do I have to say don't call me Sammie?" He asked coming near me with out a shirt on. I almost caught a fly as I starred at his stomach... An freaking 6 pack was right there.

"Well you listen to the name." I said knowingly and wrapped my arms around him. His arms came around me the next second. It was me and him here. Kaleb and Rosa went to go to the store. And my mom and dad are either working or they are at a meeting. Same job they work at.

"I know but it came from someone I personally like." I chuckled and put my head away from him. I stared at his abs not really knowing he was looking at me doing so. So I looked away blushing as it creeped up on my cheeks. He lifted my chin up with his index finger. And planted a kiss on my lips. I almost lost my balance as if I wasn't against the wall. He bent back and smiled.

"I like it when you blush." He stated and that made me blush again, So he planted another kiss on me but on my cheek. "Nothing to be ashamed about I like it when you blush because it has so optional on you. And if I do it again you might faint." He said, as he stroked my cheek to my neck. I almost lost my balance. But his hand positioned me against the wall as he looked deeply in my eyes. I wanted to look away I really did but he kept us right there with nothing to worry about in the world.

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