I know very reckless but I want to see what it is.

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Rosa tried to keep Kaleb away from her but it ended up where she was on the floor and him tickling her. While me and Sam just watch very interestingly. Then we got into a kissing contest. Clearly Kaleb and Rosa won. Then we watched TV with music playing. I called for Pizza. Then me and Sam started talking to the dog as she wagged her tail. Then Sam got the cleaver Idea and went to Kiss me. She started to bark when he pulled back she jumped on the couch and sat on my lap.

"Sammie is that how your gonna take that from the dog?" Kaleb asked, I started to pet the dog she was my prize passion.

"Well I cant kiss Rocky without the dog being jealous see." Sam went to kiss my cheek and the dog growled showing teeth. I slapped her for being like that. She looked at me with those puppy eyes and felt bad for slapping her. So I said sorry. Then there was a knock on the door and Sam went to get up, grabbing money off the little table that was on the table I set there. He opened the door and then said some words with the person. Then he said to use, "Hey ill be right back in. " And he stepped back out. I Looked over at Rosa and she shrugged.

It was a few minutes before I was getting very worried about him. So I put the dog on the cushion next to me and said I was going to the bathroom. They nod and go back to watching the TV. I walked over to the door to open it, Sam stood there and was talking to someone. I stepped out the door.

"Baby whats going on?" I asked he turned to look at me and I saw who was infrount of him. His Gang.

"It's nothing babes, just go back in and ill join you in a few minutes." He said, I looked at them feeling weirded out.

"Do you have to do something with them?" I asked as I look up to Sam's eyes.

"Uh, yeah. And I  cant have you here. It's business tell them i'm just gonna be over at my friends house for a bit. Here's the money. Now go." He said. I furrow my eyebrows and take the money and hug him. Kissing him on the cheek. He had a red face when I pulled back but then I went back inside so I could get away from them.

I walked back into the room putting the money on the table. I was kinda sad I wouldn't be able to spend the rest of time with him. Rosa looked over and gave me a confused look. "Where's Sammie?" She asked.

"He's over at his friends house." I said sitting down. Then I thought of something. I smirked.  "I'm gonna sit out side and cool down." I said. Sitting up and walking to the back door.

As I walk out the door, I make my way to the neighbors house, Where Sam and all them are at.

I know very reckless but I want to see what it is.

As I walk over there I open the gate to the back of the house. I walk to one of the windows and I guess they have a dog in the back yard too because he started to bark. I was crawling to get to the windows I see lights. I try to shut the dog up but then a door opened. Stepping out was a dude I wished wasn't here. The dude looked scary. (the dude in the picture) He walked over to the dog and started to pet it. The dog growled looking over at me. My heart was pounding, he started to turn and when he saw me I bolted. I made to the gate and got picked up. I was scared the dude scared me that me that bad. I started to kick and stuff. Didn't work Then the door to the back of those open and stepped out Alex crossing his arm's. 

"What do we have here, Z?" Alex asked, I looked at 'Z' and I nearly shriek. But he put his hand on my mouth. I was literally scared. I stopped moving. "Bring her in. " He let me go and I got away from him he scared me. I nearly ran to the door with Z behind me. My walking very fast compared to his one step he takes. I walked up to Alex. "Babes didn't Sam tell you not to worry about anything?" Alex asked pulling me into the house. "Sam, your girlfriend is here to see you." We walked through the kitchen and Sam stood up walking to me pulling me into a hug.

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