Trouble, missy

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When Alex said we needed to get to business with everything, I was left alone with Alex, because everyone had somewhere to be. Except Jerry, who was either in the house, and I was in the basement that was the 'training room'.  

Have I not told you that our houses are almost like mansions??? Maybe that would be a good vision to set for this concept.

Alex said, "Rocky you have to work on the strength and there is no stopping for two hours." He said, I glare at him, and he just chuckles.

"So I have to work for two hours and not have a break?" I asked.

"Very so. Now get to work. I'll be here to watch you and say what you aren't doing right. First were doing jumping jacks. 50. Start." I scoff and do thirty. But I bend over and was breathing hard. He looks over to me and was about to say something, but I held up my hand making him shut up. He smirked and stayed quite. 

"I am not doing this." I said walking to the door that leads up to the door that was leading to the living room. 

"Where do you think you are going Missy?" He didn't come after me but I held up my middle finger walking up and out of the basement, slamming the door. Locking the door. I walk out of that hall way that was with the bathroom. Jimmy looks over the couch. Raising his eyebrows. 

"Uh, didn't go to well did it?" Jerry said, I shook my head at him not wanting to speak. I knew I was gonna end up dead.

"Uh, I have to get back to my house." I said, walking to the front door. He grunted and went back to the TV. I had no problem with Jerry. He was cool and stuff. But you guys know how bad I cant stand Alex. He's hot and all but he is so annoying.  And I knew he was gonna come after me when he knows I locked him in the basement. I walked into the house and grabbed my keys. I grabbed some clothes then needed what I need. Walking down here someone yell down from the street. I heard Alex screaming and then he exit out thee house looking down my way. I yelled back into the house, "I'm gonna be at Rosa's for a few days. I'll see you later." I yelled didn't wait for anyone to answer but I slammed the door shut and hoped into my car. I saw Alex walking angrily over to my house, I drove off from the house flicking him off when I drove by him. He yelled fansty's at me, I rolled down the window and stuck my finger out the window. I stopped at the stop sign and watched the way too go . I looked back and Alex was dialing something on his phone and putting it to his ear. I laugh and drive off to my Besties house. 

I dialed Rosa's number, she picked up the last second before it turned to voice mail. "Rocky, what the fuck, why haven't you called me at all? I was worried sick." She yelled.  I laugh.

"Like you know I have been abducted by your brother. I was sent to the house to be punish. But I am in my car, heading to your house." I said, listening to her.

"So what happened?" She asked, I smiled remembering all the details. And that's what I did I told her everything. She had a good laugh out of that! "Dam , Rocky you are so bad ass." She said after she stopped laughing breathing in.

"I know, babes." I said, "Hey I'm like right out side your house, I'm coming right in." I said. 

"K." She said, and we both hanged up. I got out of her car, and looked at my phone seeing I have a text. I opened it up and walked into her house. It was from Sam.

Sam: Babe, really you had to pull that stunt?

Me: What??!!?!!?!?!??!??

I sent that and called out to Rosa, Her dad was gone for the day. "Rosa Dear, I'm Home-y." I screamed running up to her room. She flung her door opened and engulfed me in a big hug. We stayed in her room watching movies. And I said I was hungry and I was gonna get us both something to eat.

I walked down the stairs and yawned, as I was making sandwiches for the both of us, arms engulfed me, and a voice said, as I tense up, "Hey baby." And he nibbled on my ear. I dropped everything I had in my hands turned around and smiled from ear to ear. 

"SAMMIE!" I scream and jump on him hugging him.

He chuckled and caught me. "Hey sweet thang." He said, squeezing me back. I looked over his shoulder and saw a 15 year old boy standing in the door way. 

"Woe, baby I didn't know you had a hot friend." I said hopping down looking up at him he knew I was playing. But he scolded me anyways. 

"Yeah well just to know my hot friend is my cousin. Derek meet my girlfriend and Girlfriend met Derek." He said pointing it out.

"Well hello Derek, aren't you the cutest little thing ever." I said, walking over to him and take his face in my hands.

"Hello girlfriend." Derek said, looking at me weirdly. I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I'm Rockland. But you can call me Rocky." I said, looking at him, he was tall to be a fifteen year old. "Say, how old are you Derek?" I asked, moving his face back and forth.

"I'm thirteen, Ma'am." He said, I dropped my hands and walked away slowly until I got to Sam. I hit his arm and made him get to my level. 

"Is he really thirteen?" I asked, he looked strangely at me putting his hands on my waist. "Yeah, he has really tall parents." he said. Kissing my cheek.

I looked at Derek like he had two heads, then I went up to him and said, "WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!" I screamed and  hugged him as I squeezed the living crud out of him. Then Sam came to me and pulled me off him... it was hard to get me off. "Sweetens, let Derek go." He said, pulling me off him... well trying to anyways. I let him go and Sam flew back holding on to me. I laughed clapping my hands. 

"Sorry you had to see that." He said, I hit his shoulder. Then Rosa came running behind him and tackled him with a big hug from behind. "DEREK VALENTIN OH HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU!" Rosa screamed, Derek looks behind him and lefts his arm up. 

 "Oh my lord, Rosa you haven't changed at all." He said, pulling her to him. She squeezed him, I pout looking at Sam. He looked away from me, I hit his arm and he sideways looked at me but he looked away from me. I squint at him, as I face away from him, looking at both the cousins that have been reunited!

I jumped up and clapped for them, but Sam tugged my hand and pulled me to his room. I looked back at me as I see Rosa look at me in a weird way, I shrug my shoulders and then I cant see her anymore. He pulled to the room, closing the door. I pout looking at him. He squints at me, and then it dawns on me. I know what I have made him look at me like that.

I looked away from him and made my way back to the door so I could get out of here, but he followed my movements and I pulled my arms behind my back and went to open the door, But he put his hand on the door, closing it, from my access out. He stood there and I could smell his minty breath, He smirked at me. Still having his hand over my head making it more the while of waiting for him to say something, his room was messy but he smelled like earth and tobacco. Like always.

"So, you locked Alex down in the basement?" He asked. I look away from his eyes, but his two fingers find my chin, pulling my eyes to look at him. "Rocks." He said, my back had shivers go down it. I love the name coming from his mouth.

"Yes, he was being mean to me, he didn't say anything. Until I ran to my car I knew I was in trouble. I'm sorry." I said, pouting, he moved in to kiss it away.

"It's alright but he said he wants to kill you." he mumbled on my lips, I smile as he pulls away.

"So am I getting away this." I asked, putting my hands on his chest. He looks down and nods.

"Your like trouble Missy." He said kissing me again.

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