I guess this is good-bye

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As i walk down the road to a neighboring street i always find my self on during the bad moments, i seem to always attract  something bad. Just like this story began, it'll end like it also. I heard a scream, nobody was ever on this street. Just makes me wonder how people stay open on hours of end. I just decide to not notice this whole thing with screams. But i heard it again. I look around and start to walk to the alley i have heard the scream come from. I watch this girl being held up against the board wall, struggling to get out of the mans grasp. She looked scared, like i did because of what i found out those so many months ago. I watched to see what bad stuff was going to happen. The longer i stay here and watch this girl being tourched was just not me.. SO i took out my knife i have in my pocket and advance on them. They weren't that far away. The girl who was facing me saw me. But i put my  finger to my lips to tell her don't give me up.

I hear what this dude is saying to her. "-where the fuck is it, Amber?" Snarled the voice of the all to familiar Alex. She whimpers as he presses the knife more towards her.

"Alex, what are you doing?" I asked tiredly. He swiftly looks at me then back at the girl.

"Rocky get the fuck out of here. You aren't needed here." Alex snarled at me, turning around before throwing the girl on the ground.

"Really Alex what has that girl ever done to you?" I asked, putting my knife between the both of them.

"Get the fuck out of here Rocky before i tell Sam." He said as venom drips from his words.

"You tell Sam i tell Andy, a lose win there buddy." I said, looking at my knife in my hand.

"Dammit, Rocky. Get out of here." He said, pushing me to leave. But i stay my ground.

"Alex, you know Andy isn't going to like this. One bit." The girl says on the ground, we both look at her. Almost forgetting she was even there.

"Shut up Lexy." Alex snarled turning to her.

"You have gotten my name mixed up so many times it's funny. But you already know that girl will do what she says." The girl says on the ground, she has light blond hair and blue eyes. She just has that potential of her, she hardly has to left a finger.

"Do you know her?" He said, slinging his head to me. I shook my head as to not ever seeing the girl she did look familiar but i could care less, i like messing with Alex. "Get. And don't forget that Andy is going to be furious with you. Just know that, Grace." He said. Speaking to the girl. I raise my eyebrows. Has she ever told him her name? In my opinion i don't think  she has. Explains the different names.

I back up as the girl leaves. I turn around and start to walk away, putting my knife away. "Don't you dare move another inch, Rocky." I hear Sam say. I sling my head back and sure enough there he was standing in the dark, coming out and folding his arms. I back up but something stopped me. Not something but someone might i say. I gulp and look behind me 'Z' stands behind me with his hands firmly on my arms. I look back at Sam. Scared because of course Z is behind me but i feel scared just being near him and having him touching me doesn't help either.

"I see you." Sam says coming to me. I gulp again. Oh gosh he was going to do something. "Z, let her go. I got this." Sam says. I know what i am going to do i am going to run as fast as i can when i get the chance. Z takes his hands of me and steps back. I look at Sam in the eye. Then i bolt. Nobody stops me, and nobody tells me to. I just ran. I finally run a mile before i stop. I am infrount of the sign of are little town. Galesburg founded in 1835. I breathe in and out i didn't have to loo back to know maybe someone was following me. But i fall to knees. I hide behind the sign, afraid if i am in plan sight they might find me.

Then my phone gets a text message. Thinking it's Sam.

Unknown: Get out of town, or we will hurt everyone you love.

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