8. One Little Slip

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8. One Little Slip

Shockingly, I felt a lot better the next morning. I didn't feel sore anywhere, so I assumed Peeta stopped having the nightmares after he went back to bed. I was sure the red marks on my cheek were probably faded if not gone by now.

I flickered my eyes open, stretching under the sheets. Peeta and I hadn't unlinked fingers all night, which was weird considering I thought our hands would detach from each other.

I flipped over only to see Peeta in a calm sleep. His face didn't show any stress lines, indicating that no nightmares plagued him. I grinned and kissed his forehead. I just realized that was the first time I really gave Peeta any affection in return.

Naturally, that woke him up. His eyelids rose sleepily, threatening to close on him again.

"Morning," I chirped.

"You seem to be in a good mood this morning." He yawned. "What's got you so happy?"

"I don't know." I sat up; I could feel Peeta do the same behind me. He kissed the nape of my neck.

"There has to be a reason," he said, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I just feel good today." I looked at him. "You didn't have any nightmares after that episode we had, did you?"

"Nope," he confirmed. He kissed my cheek. "I owe it all to you. I think you're the reason my nightmares didn't come back."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you have a better explanation?" he countered. I didn't. "I was thinking we could just stay in bed a little longer this morning..."

Peeta pulled me to him, kissing me all over. I relaxed into it, knowing it was wrong to do so. I didn't bother to try and kiss him anywhere; I was too much in a trance by him. He pushed me onto the bed, straddling me. I giggled stupidly as he searched for a soft spot. I wouldn't know if I had one.

I closed my eyes and just bathed in the bliss. Katniss didn't know what she was missing. I wondered if Peeta even showed this much affection to her daily. Our personalities were different, and Peeta was supposedly seeing a different Katniss, so he could be showing more love to me than he would to her.

One of his hands brushed my throat, soon staying there. I could feel a bit of pressure on my throat. I looked up at him. There was a change in his eyes, a scary change. I saw no love in Peeta's eyes, but rather a dangerous look. It scared me.

"Peeta?" I whispered. "What is it? What's wrong?" Had he figured me out already?

Peeta shook his head. His eyes looked normal again; the pressure from my throat was lifted. I sat up. Well, I don't think he knows I'm an imposter. If that's not it, then what is with him?

"I'm fine," he said coolly. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I got close to his face. "Look me right in the eye and tell me that nothing is going on, and that everything is fine."

"Nothing's going on, everything's fine."

"Then why do I not believe you?" I folded my arms over my chest. "I saw you change, Peeta. It looked...unnatural."

"It was nothing, Katniss." He kissed my hand and held it. "I promise."

"I still don't believe you." I could feel his grip on my hand tighten. I wriggled my hand uneasily and looked into Peeta's eyes. The normal twinkle in his eyes were gone and replaced by an evil glint. "Peeta, stop it."

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