9. Lies, Lies, and More Lies

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9. Lies, Lies, and More Lies

Sunset was upon District 12. I only knew this because ten minutes ago, I had been in the living room, on the couch, staring out at the window. Now I was huddled in the bedroom, looking dreadful, feeling like crap. I didn't want this anymore. Why did I even agree to this stupid idea?

I rubbed my sore, red eyes again. Nothing was going right for me. It seemed day by day more problems were developing. Peeta could possibly be falling in love with me now because of the different personality compared to Katniss, Gale mistook me for Katniss (or so he claimed) after we had a very heated make out session, and there was still no definite rescue plan to save Katniss from a certain doom if she wasn't dead by now. I wasn't sure if she was still alive.

For all we knew, she could be dead by now.

Peeta still wasn't back yet; he had been roaming 12 since this morning. Since Gale had finally decided to tell me about hijacking, I could understand why Peeta acted like he did. Now I felt like I had to do everything I could to make sure that the hijacking stopped permanently. I bet he'd love that more than anything.

But right now, I wasn't sure if I would be in the mood to do it. I still felt pretty crappy and used ever since that little situation between Gale and me happened. Now I regretted every minute of it, because I was so naïve. I guess even your best friends were hard to trust nowadays, because you never thought that they'd stab you in the back until the day they did. Even now I didn't believe what Gale said was a fluke. He had used me just so that he could believe that he was with Katniss, not me.

But that's not in his character, my brain argued. He could have really just made a mistake. You had your hair dyed, so there is a reason to mistake you for her.

I don't care, I retaliated. I feel used. I stuck by that.

I wanted Peeta to come home, because I really needed someone to comfort me right now. Any moment, he'd walk right through the door, find me a wreck, run to me, hold me, and ask what's wrong. For now, all I could do was wait.

There was a song-well, part of a song-that described how I was feeling right now. I used to hear it all the time on the radio back at home, and it really was true if one was a tribute in the Hunger Games. In my case, it showed how lost I was. Since I felt so emotional, I sang it. Hell, Peeta wouldn't hear how awful I sounded, so it was worth singing in an empty house.

"See these people they lie, and I don't know

Who to believe anymore..."

That's how I felt at the moment; I didn't know who I could really trust. Parts of the song that didn't pertain to my situation I just hummed. The majority of the song was hummed, which was fine, because I didn't want to hear my singing voice very much being that it was the first time I really sung.

"There comes you to take me in your arms

Is it just a game? I don't know.

Is it just a game? I don't know."

I wasn't sure of anything anymore. I felt like the world was tearing apart all around me. My trust with Gale was rocky now, Katniss was still missing and her fate was still unknown, and Peeta was still kept in the dark about everything. The thing that bothered me most was what happened with Gale and me. Where were we now in terms of a relationship of any kind?

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