17. Losing Hope

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17. Losing Hope

       I was certain at least one day had passed since I had been taken prisoner by the Peacekeepers. I was getting extremely jittery and restless. Peeta and Gale still hadn’t shown up yet, rescuing Katniss or me. I just lost my tongue and my voice forever, now doomed to live the rest of my life as an Avox if I wasn’t freed soon.

I missed District 12. I missed Gale and his family: Hazelle, Rory, Vick, and Posy. Even though it wasn’t even two weeks I’d been gone from them, I felt extremely lonely. Katniss wasn’t ideal company when she did the same things I did: sit, eat, sleep, panic, be in agonizing torture, and slowly starve.

            It wasn’t the same, eating and drinking without a tongue. It felt so alien to me that I almost forgot that the nurse had done the operation. That still bothered me, how they could just do the operation while Katniss was in the neighbor cell on my left.

            I felt extremely fatigued. I began to get a disgusting odor to me. Maybe it had been more than two days since my capture. You couldn’t tell time in a prison cell because there were no windows to determine the time of day nor a clock to tell the actual time.

I felt isolated, trapped.

            I was extremely alone now, because Katniss had been taken from her cell to another room, most likely to get hijacked again. I didn’t know what sounded worse: being whipped to near death or hijacked so that memories of those you cared about were altered to make them twisted and evil. Both sounded equally horrible, only the whipping was much more physical than the hijacking…maybe. I wasn’t sure how the process of hijacking worked, and I’d rather never know.

            I looked at the camera that continuously watched me from above like a stalker. I wanted privacy; I didn’t want them watching me. If it were up to me, I would have ripped that camera from the wall. However, I wasn’t tall enough, and I bet I’d get punished even more if I tried such a thing.

            The door clicked open, tearing my gaze away from the camera. It was my nurse coming in; a Peacekeeper guarded the closed door. I immediately shrank against the wall. I relaxed very little when I saw she had my food on a tray, along with some new gauze, most likely for my back.

            “Let’s see how bad your lashes are today, dear,” said the nurse kindly. I held up my hand, a gesture for her to hold on. I slid off the bed and hobbled to the glass, but the nurse caught my wrist firmly. “Don’t worry about that. I brought a writing pad and pencil for you.”

            I sat back on the “bed” as the nurse handed me the pencil and notepad, and set the tray of food down by me. I immediately started scribbling.

      How long has it been since I’ve been here?


      “It’s only your second day,” she said. “It must feel like you’ve spent an eternity here already.”

            It had only been two days since I was taken? So technically it was the following day of my capture. Gale and Peeta had to be coming today, they had to be! There could be no further delay. My hopes were suddenly high now, but I wasn’t about to let the nurse see that, she’d get suspicious.

            You have no idea.

            The nurse chuckled. “Let me take your wrappings off. Don’t worry, I have no needle on me,” she added when I gave her a questionable look. She made me turn to face Katniss’s temporarily empty cell as she lifted up the back of my shirt. “Hmm, they bled a little bit. That should stop very soon. I’m afraid these may scar.”

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