Chapter 1~The Beginning

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Hi, My name is Takara Johnson. I just turned 13 on February 2 (2016).I have a brother and a sister and a nephew and a brother in law.☺I am an African American girl (not to sound racist but I'm basically saying I'm black)
My mom and dad are divorced and I live with my mom but my dad takes me places as well,so I basically see him everyday too.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE TO DANCE (I'm in a dance group) and I LOVE LOVE LOVE TO SING (I take singing lessons) and last but not least I LOVE LOVE LOVE TO ACT (I take acting classes).Right now I live in Brooklyn,NY; So come along with me as we live out my life together.Trust me, it'll be epic!🌟 (you'll learn more about me throughout the story)

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