Chapter 12~I'll wait❤️

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It was 7pm and I was already awake🙄 because I heard crying in one of the rooms. I get up,fix my hair, and walk out of the room to see who it was.

It was Kenneth!! Why is he crying so much? I see him get up from his bed so I run back to "my room" and I start acting like I'm still asleep.That's when I hear footsteps and they seemed to be coming closer to me.I realize that it's Kenneth because I smell his cologne and he starts to speak to me thinking im asleep.

Kenneth: Takara,I don't wanna say this to your face so Ill just say it while your asleep. I'm Jealous...., Im jealous that you and Sean are a couple now. But,I do understand why you chose him. You know eachother so well and we just met which is why this is hard for me to say to your face. I just want you to know or maybe not know cuz you're sleeping, that I'm gonna wait for you .Until then, I'm gonna be the bestest best friend ever, if you were up right now I know you be like "Kenneth there is no such thing as bestest" lol. Love you gurl. Well that's it. Imma just leave before you wake up. Bye.

He kisses my forehead and walks out the room. Tears start running down my eyes but I suck it up and remind myself that I like Sean and he likes me back and we're a couple now. Then I remembered our kiss and I started blushing...I felt good.


Hey guys, Sorry this chapter is so short but SO FAR its one of my favorite chapters that I terms of emotion. I hope you guys like it and ill try my best to update with 2 chapters tomorrow. Peace out!

-Tali tryna go to Cali (See what I did there)

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