Chapter 8~The meeting

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It's now 4:20 and we are around the corner.We get there and it turns out that Matt is running late.When we go inside I see a bunch of kids in a corner talking and laughing.

Kenneth: Are you ready to meet my friends? That's them over there.

Takara: I have honestly been waiting all my dance life to meet them. (😂)

Kenneth: Yeah.I know you watch Matt's videos all the time so you basically know who all of them are.

Takara: Yeah pretty much😊

A cute and familiar looking boy comes up to Kenneth and greets him with a super long handshake.After the handshake was over he realized I existed lol😭

Sean:ooo Kenneth,Who's the super pretty girl?

Kenneth:Takara this is....Well you know who he is.

Takara: Yeah.I watch Matt's videos.Hey Sean....Nice to meet you😊

Sean:I still forget that people watch me dance sometimes.Hi...and You must be Takara🤗Quick question.What school did you go to when you were like 6 or 7?

Takara: That's me! And I went to Minis Performing Arts Elementary School.

Sean: Oh okay.Takara,I know we just met and this might sound type rude but I'm not trying to be rude.

Takara:What is it Sean?😭

Sean:Can you please go over there and meet everyone else so I could talk to Kenneth alone? (no homo)

Takara:Yeah No Problemo,

Sean's P.O.V
Sean: Kenneth I'm your I'm just gonna come out with it okay?
Takara is....

My Lord am I evil.!😭 Another cliff hanger...Takara is what??!!!!???? YOULL FIND OUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER CALM DOWN😭Love you tho😘💖

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