Chapter 6~The Move in

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We get outside and I get to meet Mr. and Mrs.San Jose. Mr.San Jose said hello to me and took my suitcases to the car. I tell him thank you then I turn to Mrs.San Jose.

Takara:Hello,I'm Takara, its so great to finally meet you.

Mrs.San Jose:Hello Takara,How are you?,Kenneth talks about you all the time.Ever since you guys first talked all he kept saying is I wonder what she looks like in person *chuckle*

Kenneth:Mom! Your not supposed to tell her that *rolls eyes and turns to Takara* excuse my mom,she doesn't understand my "teenage stage "😄

Takara:You can't really be mad at her,she did tell the truth and you kinda confirmed it.

Kenneth:Whateves, Let's go,we have to get to Matt's Class in 3 hours (Its 2:40pm) and you still have to unpack.

Takara:You have a point,race you to the car!!

Me and Kenneth ran to the car and I won💁

His mom got into the front seat with his dad and Kenneth sat next to me in the back.He was so close to me that I could barely move my arm and there was plenty of space in the back,but I didnt really complain, I liked it😊😍

We got to his house and I took my suitcases out of the the car and Kenneth brought me up to the room I would be staying in . He said it was his brother's room but lucky for me his brother just moved.
It was right next to Ken's room and the walls were very thin.That means I could hear everything he does (not that I want to, I know you just called me a stalker and your giggling right now because I just predicted what you did)

I called my mom and we talked for 10 minutes straight.After that I unpacked my suitcases and took out my clothes for dance.I hopped in the shower and when I came out I saw Kenneth reading my dance shirt.


Kenneth: *turns around* *screams Oh my God!* *covers his eyes and turns back around*TAKARA IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN THE KITCHEN!!

Takara:Apology accepted . And I don't want to be rude and I know this is your house and all ,BUT GET OUT😂Still in a towel over here.

Kenneth:Oh right,So sorry again btw. *walks out with his eyes still closed*

Takara: Mmhmm

I lock the door this time and I finally get dressed. I put on my blemish remedy sweat resistant make-up from Sephora,my converses,and my favorite strawberry lip-gloss😚. Two minutes later I hear Kenneth call me.



Kenneth:Can you come down here for a second please?
I run the stairs and I see Kenneth in the living room.He said that there was something he wanted to show me.I sat down and he pulled out a ring box then said...To be continued😘

I love cliffhangers guys.I think it makes the story interesting,so I'll keep doing it,but I love you guys and thanks for reading this chapter💖

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