Chapter 18- Birthday Beginnings pt.2

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It was now 12:00 in the afternoon and Sean along with Kenneth's family started decorating the house with birthday decorations. The thing is Kenneth didn't know he was getting a party because his mom told him that he wouldn't get one till he turns 16. (It was a lie...shhh!) Kenneth's mom put me in charge of hanging out with him until it was time to bring him in for the surprise.

We went to get some frozen yogurt and we both got birthday extreme toppins lol. We sat down and started to eat the frozen yogurt

Kenneth: Takara, Thank you for taking me to get frozen yogurt and thanks for chilling with me on my Birthday.You're the best "little sister" anyone could ask for. I love you...( Takara made a surprised freak out face)... I mean as a little sister...not that I don't love you like a bestfriend....I just love you as a little sis. Ha.Ha.Haha. Okie dokie, Ill stop talking now.Sorry.okay im done now.Okay....

Takara: HAHAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHA ooookkkayyy. And I love you too big bro.

He looks into my he's trying to see into my soul, I started to blush but I had to stop myself because I love Sean...I really do.

Kenneth: Ahh!! Takara!!!

*I took up a huge spoon full of frozen yogurt and I mashed it on his face*

Takara: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! That's what you get for being super excited about getting to be older than me *evil smile goes here*

Kenneth:  Mark my words T I will get you back.

Takara: We'll see abou that Kenneth. Paul. San. Jose.

Kenneth: You said that with a lot of periods...I am convinced that I shouldn't mess with you!

Takara: Great Choice!

*We both laugh*

After this we went to the arcade and played a "few" games. That's when my phone dinged and I saw it was 8:30

*1 new message*

Bae : Baby you can bring Kenneth now everyone is here and everything is all set up.

Me: Okay we'll be right there. I love you.

Bae: I love you even more.

I waited 5 minutes so it wouldn't look weird or suspicious and then I told Kenneth that we should go.

When we we're two minutes away I texted Sean and told  him to get everyone in postitions

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