Chapter 2~The adventure begins!!

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I was woken by the sound of the alarm clock on my phone.I usually wake up at 7:00 to be ready for school by 8:00 but it was 6:00.And that's when I remembered why I set my clock for 6:00; My YouTube video!As you know,I am a dancer, so I put my dance video on YouTube last night.I wanted to check it to see if it got at least 100 views over night; that's my usual.

I picked up my phone,logged into YouTube and I got plenty notifications!! For a second I was like Did I hack a celebrity's YouTube or something? So I went to check if it was mines and it was!!I was ecstatic😃 I got 900m views,990m likes,and 2m haters
That's when I realized my acting, dancing,and singing email was up there.I came off YouTube, went to the AOL app and I had 1,000,000,000 messages, I was happy but I was freaking out at the same time. Later on,I told my mom and my sister everything and we sat down to read through all of those messages when my sister says:

Sister:Look!This one looks very important. It says Hi my name is Matt Steffanina and I'm sending this email to get to Takara Johnson...I saw her YouTube video online and I wanted to know if she's could come to my class in L.A. to learn a dance for my next dance video, give me a call at 404-123-4567.Thank you😉


My sister called Matt Steffanina 5 mins after my happy dance, he explained everything.He said he'll pay for my ticket to L.A but I would have to go by myself and that  Kenneth's mother and dad said they have an extra room.

Sister:Who's Kenneth?

Takara:Oh right I forgot you dance terribly😂Kenneth is a well known dancer and most people know him from watching Matt's videos.

Sister:Whatever.Let me go talk to mom about you going by yourself and all.
10 minutes later

Mom:I know how much this means to you and I talked to your teachers about you not coming to school today or for a month and 2 weeks and they said they'll send you the work and its your responsibility to do it and send it back okay?

Takara: okay mom ,No problem

Mom:Now go pack your bags you little superstar!

I start picking out all my dance clothes,dresses and pajamas when a text message comes in . @8:30 am

From: To be continued😉

Authors Message
I know this Chapter is very long but I hope you guys enjoyed it. Ep.3 will be here in hopefully a matter of days and I'm sorry for the cliff hanger😂❤

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