Chapter 16~Bailey's Sleepover pt.2

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Bailey and I go downstairs in the living room.We sit down and we start talking.

Takara: Bailey,I know you like Kenneth.

Bailey: N-No I d-don't.

Takara: Bailey your balling your eyes out right now...Why didn't you just tell me?


Takara: Because what?

Bailey: Because the other day we were talking and he said he was in love with YOU!

This is how it happened.

*Flashback to the other day*

Kenneth: Bailey ! Wait up!

Bailey: Oh,Hey Ken,What's up?

Kenneth: I need your advice.

Bailey: Sure,what's up?

Kenneth: I'm in love with Takara.I asked her out with a ring and she said she doesn't know me well enough to be my girlfriend.I suggested that we should be bestfriends and she said she would love that. When we went to dance that night we saw Sean and Sean said that they dated in elementary school but it wasn't anything serious because you know, they were little. She didn't remember at first but then Sean reminded her with a picture of them back then,they kissed and now they're dating. I'm jealous Bails. I really do love her.What should I do?

Bailey: Umm *sniffle* I don't know...I gotta go. (runs away)


(Kenneth is confused and clueless at this point but he just brushes it off)

*Flashback Ends*

Takara: Wow,He said all that?

Kenneth: Yeah I did. (sad/heartfelt face)

Takara: Kenneth, you're the most wonderful bestfriend a girl can ask for, but I'm dating Sean. We're better off as brother and sister. I love you Kenneth,and now you know how. - (when your Girl Meets World af.)

Kenneth starts crying and then Takara starts crying and he pulls Takara in and hugs her super tight. They hug for 2-5 minutes and he lets go and kisses Takara's forehead.

Kenneth: I love you *clears throat* little sis.

Takara: I love you *sniffle* big bro.

(5 seconds later)

Takara: Bailey come here.

Bailey: Yeah?

Takara: Kenneth,my first duty as your little sister is to get you a giiirrrllllfrrriieenndd. So here you go.

Takara puts Bailey in front of Kenneth. They just stared at eachother. It looked as if they were analyzing eachother. That's when Kenneth finally said something.

Kenneth: Bailey, you're a beautiful girl...

Bailey: But?

Kenneth: But your too young considering my birthday is tomorrow. Tell you what, when you turn 13 and if you still like me, I'll give you a special present on your birthday, okay?

Bailey: (Blushes super hard) okay.

Note:This chapter was published on April 9th, 2016 and Ken's birthday is on April 10th,2016.


Haii Errybody, I worked really super duper hard to write the last two (long but totally rad) chapters for Bailey's sleepover. I hope you liked them. Please vote on them and tell me what you think or what you want me to write about for the chapter after Ken's birthday chapter.


Much love guys <3

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