Chapter 22-Say What!?!

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Doctor: Your friends are here to see you.

I look toward the door--
Josh walks in
Marielle walks in
Maddie walks in
Bailey walks in
Gabe walks in
Will walks in
Tati walks in
Tahani walks in
Kida walks in
A darkskin girl with pretty black girl hair who I've never seen before walks in
Kenneth walks in
And then Sean walks in

By time everyone walked in, the entire room was packed.

They all had a gift in their hand. I saw Sean smiling and looking at me with his beautiful dimples and then he walks up to me and I don't even realize the girl I didn't know standing right next to me or that everyone looks older that usual and different.Sean walks up, and puts his arm around the girls' waist.


Sean: Takara quit screaming! What are you talking about...T, it's been 10 years,I thought you were over the whole me and you thing. You know Madison and I are engaged to be married.

Takara (in her head) : so that's her name.Madison. Oh.......ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED,10 YEARS!!

*Takara starts to panic and everyone tries to calm her down*

Takara: Thanks everyone but can I have some time alone with Kenneth please?

Everybody: Sure....yeah...uh huh...yerp...Let's go!

Kenneth: What's up Takara? I've missed you!

Takara: yeah yeah umm why do you look like you're 24 years old ?

Kenneth: What are you talking about? You know I turned 24 a while ago.

Takara: Yeah...yeah...of course

Takara: But umm here's a crazy question what year are we in?

Kenneth: 2026--almost 2027

Takara: Isn't it 2016!?

Kenneth: We all wish we could go back to the tragedy on 2016 and fix everything but you know we can't...and it's 2026.

Nurse: Excuse me Mr. San Jose, all visiting hours are over.

Kenneth: Okay. Thank you. T I'll come visit you tomorrow.

Takara: Yeah please do...We have to talk about this...I got injured in 2016 and woke up in the hospital in 2026😟 I'll need some explanations.

Kenneth: I gotchu T and take a good nap.

Takara: Bye Ken...Thanks...

Takara Thinking
2026! I can't believe this....I have to be filled in..._and that Madison girl is really pretty but how could Sean get engaged to be married 😖 I need some rest and I'll figure this out in the morning

Authors Note
I'm thankful for all the views and votes I get on this book but I feel like I mixed up the whole story and it's not in right order in my I have things that I would change about a whole chapter...This was my first book on Wattpad so I didn't really plan the book,I just wrote as I went on....So I might just leave this book tinge unfinished and take my ideas and rewrite a better book with the same characters...Tell me what you think...Thank you guys❤️❤️

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