Chapter 7: Red Solo Cups

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Matt Sommers or Hunter Elingsworth? That is the question

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Matt Sommers or Hunter Elingsworth? That is the question.

Except that wasn't a real question since I was unsure if either of them actually liked me. But of course, that didn't stop me from fantasising about both of them and weighing the pros and cons. Who would be better for my status? But who's company do I actually enjoy?

I had spent the last hour on just my eye makeup since I could not get them off my mind. Every time I thought about one of them, a swarm of fuzzy feelings would fill my body. That was troubling. I had never daydreamed about a guy before, only about how popular he'd make me. 

I glared at my reflection in the mirror by the stairs, running my fingers through my shiny blonde hair. I tugged on the hem of my skin-tight dress as I walked down the grand staircase. This dress was especially short since I knew there was going to be extremely hot girls at Amy Johanson's party and I couldn't be out-shined.

"Ap, when is mom and dad coming home?" Benji, my little brother who had dark brown eyes and blonde hair, popped out of the living room and onto the foyer's marble floor. Jackson hovered behind him eagerly, his eyes examining my tan body.

"I don't know, probably late," I clicked open my YSL clutch as I flew past them and went into the kitchen.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Jackson lifted his thick brows, him and Benji following me.

"None of your business," I hissed back at him and threw money onto the counter, "I'm leaving you guys thirty bucks if you want to order pizza."

"Have fun," Jack watched with an amused expression as I opened the door to the garage.

I squinted my lined eyes at him, squirming in the inside, while I pet my little brother's head. Benji and I weren't exactly close, since I was sixteen and he was ten. I remember when my friends would come over and he'd want to play with us. I would lock him out of my room and he would cry and throw a fit. Sometimes I wonder if that gave him PTSD or something and he subconsciously hates me, but it's whatever I guess.  

I pulled up into Amy's street with that pre-party rush. I managed to get a parking spot close by although there was a sea of cars all around. I slipped my keys back into my bag as I strut in, my head throbbing to the beat of the loud music.

"Aspennnn! You look sooo fucking hot!" Tessa slid her hand on my waist and then onto my butt before jumping her way to the dance floor. I froze with widened eyes, my mouth hung open. 

"What is wrong with her?" I turned to Sophie, grabbing a red solo cup as I watched Tess dance wildly, "How is she already this drunk?"

She replied with a shrug and crossed arms, " I don't know. But come on, we are playing spin the bottle!"

After compliments, polite smiles, and taxing glances, I finally arrived on the other side of the mansion, where the most popular kids from Knoxville, and the nearby towns, were sitting in a circle.

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