A familiar face

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Aphmau stared at her blank white wall from the bed in the corner of her room. Garroth and Laurence had gone to a lot of trouble to get her a house in the village but she still wished it were more exciting. She had become good friends with the three villagers: Cadenza, Emmalyn and a blonde haired fairy named Zoey. Aphmau didn't want to admit it but moving to this village was the best thing her life had given her. She was just about to lay down and sleep when she heard a knock at the door and a voice calling her name. "One second....I'm coming!" She shouted. The girl bolted down the stairs and unlocked her wooden door. Laurence stood under her porch with a concerned look painted on his face. "Aph..mau," he corrected himself in order to not have someone else screaming at him. "Hey Laurence, it's really late what do you want?"
"To tell you two things. First off we have a visitor staying in town and you might want to introduce yourself tomorrow and second......" He paused " I'm worried about Garroth. He locked himself in his house ten minutes after our visitor arrived three hours ago. He won't talk to me and I can't get him to come out. Aphmau he is as much as a brother to me as Cadenza is my sister. I just want to know that he's safe." Aphmau thought for a moment. Do you think he'll listen to me? Maybe I can get him to talk to us?"
"I'd appreciate it if you'd try." Laurence replied. Aphmau put on her purple cloak and the two walked through the village as the sky darkened.


"Garroth please come out!" Aphmau pleaded.
"It's no use Aph, he isn't coming down." Laurence insisted.
"Laurence can we please wait here. Maybe after a while Garroth will come out.."
"Sure but not for too long..you need to sleep a little." She laughed and sat down on the grass next to Laurence.
"So.." He began " Tell me a bit about yourself. All I really know is that your name is Aphmau and you obsessed with purple."
"Ok... So I was born in Scaleswind and my parents were doctors. My mother had healing magicks and my father was skilled at making medicine with herbs. We lived in Scaleswind very happily until the locals started saying my mother was a descendant of Lady Irene..you know who destroyed the monarchy. Well the rumour spread and I obviously didn't believe it as this was my mother. But one day my mother was talking to my father and she said that her mother had been able to transcend the realm barriers as Lady Irene did. I was shocked but later that day when I tried to ask her a bunch of Scaleswind guards broke down our door and took my mother and father. I was only twelve so went to stay with my Aunt in Okhasis. I was very unhappy and one day when I was fifteen I ran away. I ran and ran until I could run no further and collapsed in a heap. When I awoke a boy about my age and a group of guards were shoving me into a wagon. I tried to struggle but as my Aunt wouldn't let me train as a guard I wasn't very strong. That night they let me out and gave me to a group of men dressed in red. They were shadow nights from the nether and they tortured me in a hideout for weeks. All they kept saying was that my mind was still to strong and the transformation wouldn't work. I was so confused and injured. I still have the scars. One night as I slept in my prison cell one of them came to me and picked me up. I was to weak to struggle so let them. The man pulled of his red helmet and I saw he had brown hair and green eyes. He took me to the woods and put me down. He left me however after minutes he came back with a horse and put me on it. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke I was in a place I'd never seen. Since that day I've been setting up camps and moving until I came here."
"Wow" Laurence was not expecting that many words." You look exhausted, maybe you should go home,"
Aphmau sighed. Laurence was right, Garroth wasn't coming out. She stood up and started walking when three figures, one who appeared to be clasping a glowing amulet, approached Garroth's door. They didn't notice her. "How may I help you?" Laurence questioned. " Oh and also how long do you plan on staying?" The men remained silent but the middle one pulled down his hood. Aphmau did a double take. "YOU!" She shrieked.
"Well I never thought I'd see your pretty little face again." The man replied
"Woah,woah......hold it right there. " Laurence said.
"What think I want to take her from you!" The man laughed. Laurence growled.
" I SWEAR IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Aphmau yelled and drew her sword. She ran forwards and swung it at the mans head.....

Hi guys,
Wow, I wrote a lot. But tell me about a cliffhanger. Who is the man and why does Aphmau hate him? Find out next time!

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