An old friend and a new talent

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Aphmau sprinted through her village dodging anyone in her way. She finally got to the gates where Katelyn was standing guard.
"WHERE. IS.CASPER?!" Aphmau shrieked.
"Oh um Aph he is up at Zoey's house. She is trying to help him... H-he might not make it." Katelyn's voice trailed off. Aphmau ran as fast as her legs could carry her. When she reached Zoey's house she frantically knocked on the teal door hoping and praying that Casper was OK. Donna opened the door and Aphmau pushed past her.
"A-Aphmau you are r-really alive?" He said in a frail voice.
"Of course I am. Now just hold on... Y-you will be ok I-I promise...."She said breaking into tears
"Aphmau... It is too late...."
Aphmau sat in a wooden chair at Casper's bedside. She grabbed the old man's hand and began to sob even more. Zoey placed a hand on Aphmau's shoulder. The two looked down until Aphmau heard a deep breath. She lifted her head to see a white gleaming light coming from her hand. Donna and Zoey looked at her in amazement and fear. Open. Casper's eyes had opened. No one spoke or even moved until Garroth said from the door frame.
"Aphmau. Outside. Now!".


The two guards stared at Aphmau in disbelief.
"Aph.....What are you?" Laurence asked.
"I-I it's never happened before..."
"Aph?......" Garroth said in a harsher tone.
"L-Laurence do y-you remember what I told you about my mother?"
"Of course...."
"Well I think I inherited her magicks..."
"But Aphmau that's very rare for humans."
"I know but........" There was a small silence before Garroth said
"Who is that man Aphmau?"
"He was the guard trainer at Okhasis. H-he wasn't allowed to teach me so gave me secret tips on fighting and one time h-he gave me my sword... He was the only person who cared for me in that entire city."
"Aphmau. You lived in Okhasis?" Garroth questioned.
"I moved there when my parents died...."
Garroth shuffled his feet.
"You are the son of the Lord of Okhasis Garroth, aren't you and Zane is too......"

Yay! I published early! I'm SUPER TIRED but other than that I'm good. Yesterday I did a BARE FOOT TRAIL and it was awesome! My feet were so muddy! God I sound like a three year old!

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