You shly awl thing

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I sit with my arms folded across my chest on the hard wooden kitchen chair in my foster home whilst Breada paces up and down with an angry look to her. I mean come on punish me already I've been sitting her forever. I roll my eyes up to the heavens still waiting.

"The bitch deserved it," I explain, loosing my patience.

"Bitch? Where on earth did you get such language Honey. You quite well know I hate swears and curses no matter what the situation is yet violence is no better. I'm utterly ashamed no more disappointed in what you did then anything else. Now do yourself a favour and go up to your room and this what three day suspension should do you some good. Now don't bother coming down for dinner, you won't be expected at the table to night okay?"


For my first day off I laze around the house in my pajama bottoms and a big jumper, no makeup on and my hair tied up in a messy bun. I watch tv and eat shit all day because nobody is home and nobody will be home till after six this evening. A knock at the door around lunchtime leaves me a bit surprised because we aren't expecting anyone and everyone is either at work, or at school. I grab the first thing in reach, which happened to be a fork lying on the coffee table and run over to the door.

"Who's there?" I question like in those scary movies when the killer is in the house and ready to get you, even though this person was at the door and not trying to harm me at all.

Another knock at the door leaves me so curious that I open the door, fork ready to aim just to see Jack standing in front of me. I give him one of my 'I'm not crazy' fake laughs and quickly put the fork down in the nearest possible place, which was the potted plant just by the door.

"Eh you okay there?" Jack asks, looking a bit uneasy at what he had just seen.

"Yeah perfectly fine", I laugh.

Oh no, I just remembered that I had no makeup on at all. I am here in pajama pants and an old jumper that looks like it was like gone off or something and my hair is a mess yet I am standing in front of one of the cutest guys I know and all he can do is smile at me after me freaking him out with a fork. Could my day get any worse?

We walk into the sitting room, not saying anything. Just as we are walking in I trip over my own two feet and go tumbling down, only for Jack to catch me. Okay thanks. Clearly I didn't mean could my day get any worse but thanks for showing me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah just perfect", I say through gritted teeth.

"So why wern't you in school today? I missed you like".

"I'm suspended for three days for hitting Monica remember? And arn't you supposed to still be in school? It's only lunchtime?"

"Oh yeah", he laughs. "I pulled a sick-ie and told them I'd go straight home."

"Why?" I gasp.

"Because I wanted to see you, and school is getting boring without you so".

"Thanks", I say smiling.


I trudge down to the library, even though I'm off school Breada is making me study. Stupid adults thinking they know what's right. I swing open the door and stomp in and walk over to the back taking a seat behind a book shelf. I decide to make use of my time and actually do some studying, but that dosen't last long.

"Anybody sitting here?" A quirky young voice drawls.

I look up to see these amazing set of deep black-brown eyes with jet back hair, tanned caramel looking skin just right in front of me.

"Er eh ha eek. I mean no". I say trying to give a little laugh at the end like the cute girls do in movies but choke on my laugh and end up giving myself the hiccups.

The hot dude gives an awkward laugh but sits down anyways.

"Have I seen you before?" He questions. You look awful familiar, where do you go to school?"

"I go to Oaks secondary".

"Me to, no wonder you look so familiar, what year you in?"

"Second", I say smiling.

"Me to!" He laughs. "Maybe we could meet up sometime eh?"

"Yeah sounds good".

We exchange numbers and then get into random conversation on why were both not in school. Turns out he was the one who set fire to the Science block. I love this lad, I mean we had like no Science for like two whole months.

"Wow, can't believed you actually punched her in the face," Adam, the hot dude, laughs as we walk out the library door.

"She had it coming!" I insist.

"Sure sure", he says, still laughing.

We were about to go our separate ways when suddenly neither of us wanted to leave. He looks into my eyes and before I know it were kissing! Tongue to tongue. We pull apart but he's still holding me.

"So I'll call you eh?" He says, walking off.

I nod in that cute sexy way, but really because I was lost for words. I had absolutely nothing to say. I walk home feeling a bit, strange but try to think nothing of it and certainly do not bring it up at dinner.

"Your awful quiet dear", Breada coos. "Anything bothering you?"

"Nope nothing, just missing my friends I suppose", I sigh, hoping she'll believe it.

"Well don't worry, Monday will come soon enough."

I sigh again, a real sigh this time, pretty pissed. Keeping me in for the three days is bad enough, but for the weekend as well.


Friday night and I'm stuck in my room. Nothing to do. I feel my phone going off in my pocket but I am seriously not arsed to check it. It goes off for the second time so I pull it out of my pocket and flick through the messages. My eyes open wide as I see there from Adam.


You busy tonight?

:) ? xx

My eyes nearly bugle out of my head, he asked me out. Well I think. I reply without thinking about my house arrest.

Yeah I'm free :) xx

Almost instantly he replies.

Good, meet me at the pizza hut in an hour :) xx

I almost jump off the bed trying to figure out what to wear. Oh wait, then it hits me, I'm grounded. But I'm not at Cormac's house. I run down the stairs clothes in bag saying I was invited to Cormac's for a sleepover. Thank God Breada agrees and I'm out the door and down the road before a proper goodbye. And thank God again Cormac agreed to let me stay.

"You shly awl thing", Jack says winking as I hop out Cormac's bedroom window to go meet Adam.

Author's note ...

Hey guys.

Another chapter done. Sorry it took awhile but, I got there.

I'm really happy with this chapter and hope ye are to.

Sorry for the little twist about bringing Adam in but he's not the best friend hahaha :').

Hoping to update soon so.

V O T E - If you like it.

C O M M E N T - what you think.

 A D D   T O  Y O U R  L I B R A R Y - if you wanna keep reading.

Mucho Love <3

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