Figuring out how hard it is to have a famous boyfriend </3

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I finish packing my bag utterly happy everything fit into my two large suit-cases. Let me guess your thinking what packing again? Monica and I are going on a two week tour with Jack and Cormac. Summer has finally come thank God and were off tomorrow morning with their managers both there mums. We make our way to the mini - van and then were off. Arriving at the air-port ten minutes later and saying our good byes to people we get on the plane and were off in within an hour.

We arrive in America and make our way to the hotel really excited. Our room is amazing and we even have a balcony view! And no not of a brick wall or building on the other side but of the lovely city. Bet it looks lovely lit up at night. Monica pulls out her camera taking photos and pulling me in. I hesitate at first but soon enough we are pulling silly faces and poses, trying to breath and stop laughing. We are going out for dinner tonight so we decided to dress up a bit. I mean this is America. I slip on black leather pants and a white crop - top with wild printed n black across it and it not covering one shoulder with my black wedges while Monica but on a denim skater skirt and a red crop-top with red heels. I pin my hair back and do my makeup. We made it down to the restaurant that wasn't in the hotel at about half eight. It was only Monica, Cormac, Jack and I that were having dinner because Jack and Cormac's mam's were organizing the first performance tomorrow night.

"We have to go shopping tomorrow Honey!" Monica pleads.

I nod in agreement really enjoying my good mood to say something. A new outfit would be nice anyways especially for their first show tomorrow. We start making plans for tomorrow when the boys have to leave because their was fans starting to come in. They took a few pictures and were off.


We get up early enough and head down town to go shopping. We each pick out something sensible but something dressy enough and get back to the hotel to get ready. We all get into the limo making our way to the arena for the boys to practice. We wait backstage eating all the free food. Finally the show starts and the boys are out on the stage singing and soon enough were all singing along. He pulls us up on stage and we get into the song they were singing.

Feeling my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart

I can't tell where the journey will end

But I know where to start

They tell me I'm too young to understand

They say I'm caught up in a dream

Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes

Well that's fine by me


So wake me up when it's all over

When I'm wiser and I'm older

All this time I was finding myself

And I didn't know I was lost

I tried carrying the weight of the world

But I only have two hands

Hope I get the chance to travel the world

But I don't have any plans

Wish that I could stay forever this young

Not afraid to close my eyes

Life's a game made for everyone

And love is the prize

1. Best friend to boyfriend A Jack and Cormac fan fic.Where stories live. Discover now