'Give up when it get's too hard' they say.

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I'm walking in the middle of Jack and Cormac on the way to school. I'm a bit worried about today, hoping to not see Monica because of what she might do to me. She's capable of anything. Jack and Cormac promised to stay with me as much as possible but they can't be with me every second of the day and she knows that. I get my books as soon as I go in making my way to first class which was with neither of Jack or Cormac. I sigh but make my way to class anyways.

Throughout the day I don't see Monica and soon enough I can breath. She must not be in. I sit with Cormac and Jack and a few others at break making small talk but nothing major and by the time we get ready to go home my good mood has effected everyone.

The three of us walk home, well to Cormac's house all jolly and bubbly singing an old song from a while back. A classy looking man stops to listen to us and instantly I recognize him. He's the number one singing producer.

"Excuse me guys?" he asks pulling us aside. "Your very good singers," he says handing us a business card. "Give us a call sometime."

I squeal in excitement as the man leaves the three of us thanking him at once.


The next day at school Monica shows and does not look to happy. Her nose is blue black and no makeup under the sun could cover it up. It just looks nasty. All through morning classes she gives me dirty murderous looks that start to freak me out. I thought I could dodge her but no.

"Heya", she snarls walking up to me.

"Hey" I squeak.

And that was it. Strange. Very strange.I  try to explain t to Jack and Cormac on theway home, but they didn't seem to listening. And the next day at school was the same. Each day Monca was nicer and nicer till I could not take it any more.

"What's your problem?"  I ask her.

"I'm sorry , I would love to be  friends again", she huffs looking at me. "I miss you, I was just really jelous that you were friends with Cormac."

Then it all made since, and I had my friend back. Jack and Cormac wern't happy but fuck them.

Author's note ..

Hope ye like it <3

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