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Karkats POV

Fuck, finally, after so much fighting and culling and gaining levels, we made it. It probably would have been a fuck lot easier if everyone had just listened to me without question, but we made it anyways. The prize was within our reach, /my/ reach. We created the new universe and were now going to rule it like the tyrants our species is meant to be.
It was going to be glorious.
I reached for the glowing orb of a doorknob that resembled a kernalsprite, at least, the way they looked before we prototyped all our goddamn lusii and make the King almost impossible to beat. Right before I could claim the prize, everyone watching me, something hard, maybe some kind of metal, came from nowhere and knocked me out, and everything went black.

Aradia's POV

It was wrong, we couldn't claim the full reward. That's not how it happens. Watching Karkat stand there and stare at the door was enough to confirm my suspensions, and the guidance of the dead. Despite knowing how my friends would react, I had to stop him. With inhuman (what is a human, anyways?) speed, I rushed over and knocked out our "precious leader", earning several complaints as he crumpled to the ground.
"4R4D14 WHY TH3 H3LL D1D YOU DO TH4T?!" There was Terezi,
"Oh shut uuuuuuuup Tavros! Aradia /o8viously/ knows what she's doing! Its not like she just knocked out our "leader" or anything!!!!!!!!" Vriska,
"jeez aa you've ju2t lo2t your 2hiit completely now, haven't you?" And Sollux.
The rest were talking to eachother or otherwise occupied. Eridan was flirting with Feferi, much to the would-be heiresses displeasure, Nepeta was attempting to get her moirail to cheer up, Kanaya was watching the seadwellers and as usual, Gamzee was sitting down eating a sopor pie.
"i have reas0ns, we are meant t0 be delayed." I explained simply, my voice robotic. Of course it was, as I was currently in a robot body. "ribbit." I'm part frog as well. Its a long story.
I keep the other trolls away from the door for several minutes, a few clones from different timelines coming to help, and after nearly three quarters of an hour, forty one minutes and thirty seconds to be exact, our "fearless leader" begins to stir and I step aside, allowing them access to the door.
Its time.

Hulloooo everyone! Sorry this chapter is kinda short, but I just wanted to get something out there for peeps :3
To be honest, I get writers block a lot, so if anyone has ideas I'd love to hear them! I /do/ have a general plotline though.
With that being said, have a great day!!!!!!

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