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Sollux's POV

Kk was flipping out for some reason, apparently Terezi had told him something that really freaked him out. Honestly I wasn't paying attention, Ampora was being a dick to Feferi so I was busy instructing him on how to back the fuck off.
That is, until I heard the sound of branches breaking followed by the "crunch" of something heavy landing on fallen leaves. Looking over to see what the fuck was going on, I noticed some guy laying on the ground near a tree.
Karkat was yelling at everyone to back up but I didn't really acknowledge it, too caught up in examining the mans features.
His skin was white as a cloud, and looked rough, not that I touched it or anything. That'd be weird. He had a wide smile cut into his cheeks, more of a scar now. It'd healed but obviously not closed, what the hell had this guy gone through? I took a step back so I could grab Feferi's hand, making sure she was still behind me, I didn't want her getting hurt.
That was when I noticed two more things. One, he didn't have any horns, and two, he was unconscious. He must've fallen from the tree and hit his head on the way down. Wow, that's lame as fuck.

Feferi's POV

Oh, this is so ---EXCITING!!!! It took a LOT of work to get here, and now we're on a whole new world and everything! And there's even a local RIG)(T here!
He's unconscious though, hopefully he'll wake up soon.
Sollux is being really protective and its so cute! When he reached back and grabbed my hand I squeezed his gently, and he seemed to relax some. Eridan looks pretty jealous though, ugh, why can't he just drop it?!
The local person looks weird, to be honest. He has a R-EALLY big smile and super white skin, that's just crazy, who on Alternia has that color of skin! Maybe he's some kind of mutant...?
While I was lost in thought I didn't notice the creature waking up. He gave a quiet groan and slowly sat up, rubbing his head where it hit the ground.
"Ugh, fuck...." He grumbled, glancing around and tensing up when he noticed us, crystal blue eyes watching us like a purrbeast caught in an undignified position would. I tried not to giggle at the thought.
Of course, Terezi was the first to take action, approaching the creature and licking his cheek while he was still a bit dazed, causing him, to jump and move away a little. "YOU T4ST3 L1K3 V4N1LL4 4ND CH3RR13S!"
The white-skinned person looked a bit disgusted at the lick and comment but shrugged it off and looked around at all of us. "Who the FUCK are you people?!"
I quickly jumped in before Karkat would start yelling. "I'M F-EF-ERI! And t)(is is -Eridan and Sollux and-!" Sollux quickly silenced me with a hand to my mouth.
"2hush fef, we don't know iif he need2 two know that 2hiit." He did have a point.....
I pouted from behind his hand and he moved it away, dropping it down to my hand and holding it tightly. No, we weren't officially matesprits, but Nepeta thinks its just a matter of time before we are and I hope she's right!
"OKAY, FUCK THIS. YOU," Karkat pointed to the newcomer, who was standing now. He was taller than me and definitely Karkat, but only by a few inches. He's about Vriska's height. She was maybe half an inch or so taller. "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR NAME?"
The white skinned male rolled his eyes, sticking his hands in the pocket of his hoodie. "And why should I tell you, Nubby-horns?"
Karkat growled in response. "TEREZI, GIVE ME THREE REASONS NOT TO MURDER THIS DOUCHE." The teal blooded girl giggled.
The strange male cut her off with laughter, the deranged sound of somebody not completely in check with their mental faculties. "Me???? Hasn't committed any crimes?!?? HAHAHA~! YOU FUCKING WISH! I'm just helping people.... Go To Sleep~" He said the last part quietly, almost an ominous whisper.

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