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Karkats POV

I don't like this guy, at all. His smile creeps me out, and that laugh....fuck. He really must've taken a seriously acrobatic fucking pirouette off the handle at some point. Terezi took a step away from him at the chilling laugh, shit, it even creeps her out. Thank gog I'm not the only one.
After he spoke that last phrase he pulled a knife from his pocket and lunged at Terezi, but she dodged easily, only earning a small cut grazing her upper arm, near her shoulder. He stumbled slightly from the miss and she pulled her walking staff apart to reveal the hidden blades and whirled around to kicked his back, effectively knocking him down and she kept him pinned, one blade at the back of his neck. Gog, Terezi is hot when she's fighting. "CAREFUL, TEREZI!"
A bit of her teal blood ran down her arm from the scratch but she payed no attention to it. The male looked shocked and tried to turn to slash at her again but she stepped on his hand and took the knife, earning a growl of anger.
"What the fuck are you??!" He snapped, obviously furious.
Terezi rolled her eyes at the question. "W3'R3 TROLLS, OBV1OUSLY. WH4T 4R3 YOU?"
"I'm a human, you dumb fuck!" He retorted "How the hell are you so fucking strong?!" He tried squirming out of her grasp but it didn't work.
"WH4TS 4 HUM4N?" The "human" gave her a weird look, at least, he tried to. He couldn't exactly look up at her very well from the ground.
"Its a huge ass butterfly that shits rainbows out of its butthole, the fuck are you going on about? Do you think you're kidding anyone with those lame cosplays?" He spat some dirt out of his mouth. "Can you fucking let me up now?"
Terezi looked to me as if asking for permission and I hesitated before nodding. "SURE." She released him and stepped back.
Vriska rolled her eyes. "We don't need hiiiiiiiis help, we can find our own hive!!!!!!!! And why would you trust this guy? Wouldn't it 8e just gr88888 if he leads us out in the middle of nowhere then leaves????????"

Jeff POV

This is fucking humiliating. First, I fall out of a goddamn tree and get knocked out, then I get beat up by some blind chick with weird colored blood. And now they want me to find them a hive? The fuck? Maybe that's what they call houses. Why should I help them?
Unless.....hmm. I'm going to kill them at some point, definitely. I just have to wait for the right moment. I live in an abandoned house a few miles away from here, and there's another house nearish also. I'm not letting them stay at my place, but maybe they could camp out at the other house for awhile. It's not like they could go anywhere. They don't know how to get out of these woods, and if they really aren't human nobody would help them anyways.
I listened quietly as the two girls, Terezi and Vriska apparently, argued. The blind girl seemed determined to try and find a way to make me help them, while the fairy refused, claiming they could make it on their own well enough. Pfft, as if.
"Sure, I'll help." I spoke up after a few minutes, deciding to play friendly for a bit, so they let their guard down. "There's a place around here big enough for all of you."
They stopped arguing and Terezi grinned. "GR34T! SO, 1 GU3SS YOU W4NN4 KNOW OUR N4M3S?" I nodded with an "mhm" and she pointed to each person as she called out their name.
These guys have got some weird names. Gamzee, Karkat, Tavros, Sollux, who the hell named these kids? After she introduced them all I grinned, a real grin, not just my cut in one, and waved to them. A few waved back, Gamzee grinned back lazily, while others rolled their eyes and looked away. Terezi didn't react. Didn't really expect her to, not like she could've seen me wave or anything. "I'm Jeff by the way."
We soon started out for their new "hive". I'd been to the place a few times, thought of it as a kind of backup hideout, in case my other gets discovered. And unnecessary precaution, due to my flawless escaping skills. Nobody's ever followed me back before, and never will.
I led the way with Terezi next to me, like an escort almost, or a guard. The others, trolls apparently, followed close behind, quietly talking to eachother, about me of course.
They didn't think I could hear what they were saying, but it was obvious they didn't trust me at all. Only the robot, who was named Aradia, the clown, Gamzee, and Terezi the blind girl stayed quiet. Terezi kept sniffing me though, and it was starting to weird me out a little, to be honest. I glanced down to her arm, where I'd cut her arm. She hadn't bothered to clean up the blood, and the teal was still there. Who in the world has teal blood?!?
I had a feeling this was going to be a really long day, or few days. However long it takes me to kill these twelve fuckers. This is going to be one of the most fun games I've played. Reminds me of that one sleepover I crashed a few months ago, we decided to play freeze tag. They weren't very good at it, though they never moved after I caught them~ I managed to frame that one perfectly against one of the girls at the sleepover.
Okay, enough daydreaming. We're getting close to the house. It looked pretty run down on the outside but I knew it was a lot better inside. It was a two story six bedroom house with an attic and basement. Three bathrooms too. The attic wasn't very inhabitable but was a good place to hide, and the basement had a couple rooms and a fireplace. Pretty cozy, I wasn't that into fire though.
There were some couches down in the basement, a little old but in decent condition, they didn't smell too bad. The electricity and water still work, though the boiler was a little sketchy sometimes. In other words, it was heaven for someone like me. And maybe the trolls too, who knows what crazy shit they used to live in?
They look a little skeptical when I lead them up to the house but don't complain and Terezi perks up when I open the door. The main living room has a TV and two dark brown leather couches, and the carpet is a rich blood red, which is convenient.

Terezi's POV

I stayed near Jeff as we walked to the hive for two reasons.
One:, I don't exactly trust him to walk on his own and not pull some trick
And two: He smells AMAZING! Sure, he probably smells kind of like dirt or something to everyone else, but the sweet vanilla cherry scent I get off of him is like candy. Its the kind of thing I'd want my whole hive to smell like, it just drew me towards him in a way.
Karkles was obviously jealous about it, too. I could smell it from him like burnt rubber, strong and obnoxious. He smells nice too, but blucky pavement grey over red isn't as good as sweet vanilla over it. He just doesn't understand the exact sciences of smelling colors. I'm so glad my lusus taught me, being blind would've completely sucked without it.

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