Arrival ::::)

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Vriska's POV

Oh. My. Fucking. Goooooooog! So we all get it, Aradia is some future telling psychotic robot, nobody cares. What's important is that we WON! Even with Karkat being a little whiny wiggler and Tavros being just as lame as usual and Gamzee being Gamzee, we actually fought the king and WON!!
When Aradia knocked Karkat out I'll admit I was a little confused, but its not like any of /them/ knew that. After he woke up and I managed to finally shut him up, we had a little argument about who should open the door, which was a portal-like thing to our universe. The one we made, not the one we're from.
"Karkaaaaaaaat, don't you know that a good leader let's the "second in command" take charge sometimes????????"
Okay, I wasn't actually second in command, but I'm the one hat dealt the final blow to the king, I should be the one to open the portal. It just makes sense!
"NO VRISKA, FUCK YOU. YOU'RE NOT SECOND IN COMMAND AND IF YOU TOUCH THIS THING YOU'LL JUST FUCK IT UP SOMEHOW, BACK OFF." Ugh, that's not how luck works! Such a whiiiiiiiiny little wiggler.
We bickered for a few more minutes, before Pyrope walked over and opened the door.
"TH3R3, NOW SHUT UUUP YOU TWO! L3TS JUST GO!" She sounded pretty annoyed, and I wasn't surprised. I'm honestly shocked she even managed to have a matespritship with the boy without taking an acrobatic pirouette off the fucking handle.
Me and our "leader" exchanged a glance before I rolled my eyes and walked through before he could stop me, my cerulean blue, the same color as my blood, wings fluttered, just to annoy him. I'll admit, Vantas was pretty fun to mess with sometimes...

Terezi's POV

After hearing Karkat being all adorable and shouty at Vriska, I knew they were going to argue for hooours, and I wanted to smell whatever was on our new world! Yes, smell. I'm blind, and have been for sweeps.
To shut them up I went to the door and opened it, perking up at the grapey smell of the swirling purple portal. Purple was a nice color, but red was absolutely the BEST!! Sometimes I'm glad I can't see anymore, there's all kinds of things that smell /so/ much better than they looked!
Anyways, I was about to step through the portal when Karkat grabbed my arm to stop me. I could tell it was him by his unique smell and ADORABLE shouty voice. "WAIT, WE DON'T KNOW WHATS PAST THERE, LET'S GO TOGETHER."
Gog, he is so protective. Too bad it couldn't work out between us. I nodded in response but pulled my arm away as we entered the portal, followed by everyone else. Everything went black for a moment that felt like infinity, the thick sweet licorice scent almost overwhelming to my advanced senses.
When the color finally came back, it took a moment for the new smells to reach my nose, and when they did, I was instantly curious. It was a mixture of greens, the tart smell of a light green, mixed with the richer pine scents of a darker green.
There were brown scents as well, all different shades of chocolate. Dark, light, and medium. And far above us, a light blue raspberry.
We were in....a forest? It must be, it smelled a lot like the woods I lived in back home, just the forest on Alternia had more color variety.
I wasn't paying much attention to whatever everyone was talking about, as I'd smelled something else, a person, I think.
They had a white vanilla smell, covering.....oooooh, a *cherry* inside! They had red blood like Karkles! They weren't far away, just behind a tree maybe 10 feet to the right of me, probably watching us. Nobody else had noticed them, they didn't have the same advanced senses that I had, thanks to Vriska. I sniffed the air again to make sure I had the scents right. Yup, vanilla covering cherry. Maybe all the creatures on this world are like that?
Anyways, since nobody else noticed Mr or Ms cherry vanilla, I wasn't quite sure if they were male or female, I casually walked over to Karkat and tapped on his shoulder. He groaned as he turned to face me. "WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, MAKE IT QUICK. MY THINK PAN HURTS LIKE IT JUST GOT SMASHED IN BY A FUCKING ROBOT. OH WAIT, IT *DID*!"
I rolled my eyes at his dramatic mini speech before responding, my voice low, a whisper. "k4rkl3s, w3'r3 b31ng w4tched."

Hey guys! Ooooo, I wonder how our precious Karkitty is gonna react, who knows?
Also, I'm thinking about posting a question at the end of each chapter that has to do with either Homestuck or Creepypasta. Things like your favorite characters, how you'd react to (blank), headcanons you like for the different characters, stuff like that. What do you guys think?

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