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Jeff's POV

Soon after talking to Vriska I headed back home, lost in thought as I walked. Visiting that house had brought back memories, like it always did. Memories of a difference life, in a way.

I shake my head in a weak attempt to clear it, my dark brown, almost black hair falling in my face and I huff as if blow it out of the way of my sight. Stupid hair, I need to cut it soon. I always cut it myself or get one of my few "friends" to, I don't really trust them with it after what happened that one time though.....

I was jolted out of my thoughts when I realize I'm here, and grined wider than usual as I go in the back entrance to get inside. The old door has vines draping down over it, do its hidden a little, and I always kept the front door locked. I don't think I've ever even opened it. This house has electricity and water too, somehow. Judging by the decor, I think its some old couples vacation home or something, but they never use it. I've been here a year and a half and nobody's showed up.

Shutting the door behind me, I glanced to the clock on the kitchen wall before heading over to my bedroom across the house. Its the main room I try to keep cleanish. Despite what some people may think, I don't really like sleeping smelling like blood. The scent brings back too many memories if I sit and dwell on it for long. I pushed the pale yellow, almost white door open and went to the bathroom connected to the room after grabbing a change of clothes. I might as well take a quick shower before bed. Its starting to get late and I'm tired. Plus, my head hurts from falling out of that goddamn tree.

I lift my hoodie up over my head and drop it to the tiled floor of the bathroom, luckily the blood from my kill earlier is already dried so it won't stain the floor, taking a few things from the pockets of my jeans afterwards. I always make sure to grab a few things from my victim's homes, if that's where I kill them. Especially toiletries.

You know how sometimes people save those little hotel shampoo and conditioner things? The last place had a fuck ton of those, so I grabbed a handful and stuffed them in my pockets. Snagged a new comb too.

I set the items on the counter and finish undressing, starting the hot water up in the shower. Once it's the right temperature, just hot enough to sting a little bit, but not so much that it burns, I step in, sighing in relief at the feeling of the water against my rough skin. It's amazingly relaxing. When you have a lifestyle that requires constantly being on guard, you have to treasure the few minutes a day you can relax.

Once my hair is soaked I open the curtain enough to grab a random bottle of the shampoo, not really caring which one. As I click open the bottle the familiar sharp scent of mint fills the air and I shudder at the memories it brought back.

Sitting at the dinner table with my brother, drinking warm peppermint tea in the winter to warm us up, mom only ever made cocoa if it snowed.

The garden we had out back behind our house, filled with different mints and thymes and other herbs that mom used to cook with. At the house where I was born, of course. Not the one where that Jeffrey died and I came out.

I growled quietly and swiftly shook my head, pushing the memories away and pouring some of the soap on my hand, setting the bottle back down before roughly scrubbing my hair with my sudsy hands.

After rinsing my hair out and washing my body as well, I pause for a few minutes before turning the water off, savoring the warm feeling of the shower. I dressed quickly after finally getting out and yawned, looking at my reflection in the mirror and grinning. I'll never regret the changes I made that day~

I leave the bathroom and flop down onto my bed, pulling the covers over me and closing my eyes, sleep soon taking me.

"C'mon Jeff, don't be a chicken,let's go inside!" The older boy smirked from where he stood at the building's entrance. Little, eleven year old me was a little nervous about entering the abandoned house, but walked over to him anyways.

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