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Jeff's POV

  Who the fuck- no, WHAT the fuck are these people? Let me explain what just happened.
I was just out having a good time, made a few kills, had a nice cop chase, HA! That was fun, then I'm on the way home and find these fuckers. There's like twelve of them, and they all have these weird orange horns, like the "Devil" or something. And they had grey skin, and /all/ of them had black hair. Not that I could judge about the skin, mine wasn't exactly normal either.
  Maybe they're just a bunch of kids dressing up? They seem pretty lost, heh, maybe they could use some help~. I don't like the idea of attacking such a large group though, especially with that tall as fuck guy with the big horns, and they've all got weapons. This could get messy.
  I could wait for one to go look for help, wait, FUCK! I quickly ducked behind the tree as one looked my way, the one with the weird red glasses. I was peeking out just barely and saw the one that almost saw me...was she sniffing the air? God, what a bunch of weirdos.
  Still watching them, I carefully climb up the tree. It had plenty of branches, but most of them were covered in a green moss, slippery from the recent rain. Luckily I'm pretty good at climbing. I make it up to a fairly hidden branch, luckily it was late spring, so the trees had already filled out.
  I was able to see the strangers with better detail up here. I was right, there were twelve, each stranger and more intriguing than the last.
  One was pretty short with nubby horns, they wore a black sweater with the cancer symbol on it. Wait, they were all wearing a zodiac symbol, except for the one in bright orange, she/he just looked pretty obnoxious. Judging by nubby horns' voice when he yelled at glasses girl, he was male. And loud. He had a sickle as a weapon, weird.
  Two is the boy with the weird sideways horns sitting in the rocket/wheelchair looking thing, getting teased by obnoxious orange girl. He looked pretty small and weak, an easy kill. He used a lance.
  Three is glasses girl. Don't ask how I know its a girl, I can just tell. It's a skill you learn with my...profession. She had cone-shaped horns, like someone took two ice cream cones and stuck them upside down on her head. She had a walking cane with a dragon carving at the top. Wait, a walking cane, she was BLIND? God, that's embarrassing, hiding from a blind girl. Talk about an easy kill. She was sniffing the air though. If these things really aren't human, maybe they have a better sense of smell?
  Four, some kid with four horns and bicolor glasses. He looked like a complete nerd, but something seemed different about him. I couldn't put my finger on it though.
  Five, cat girl. She wore a blue hat with a cat face on it and had a weird blue tail. She had claws attached to her hands, that could potentially be a little dangerous, probably not too bad though. If anything about her worried me, it was the male standing next to her like a body guard.
  Six was sweating profusely, it was obvious even from all the way up here. He kept an eye on cat girl like a parent would for a troublemaking child. He was very muscled, like a body builder on steroids. He could be a bit of a problem. He didn't seem to have any weapon though.
  Seven appeared to be a robot, though I knew that was impossible. I wasn't sure of what strength or abilities it had, which was a risk factor. I didn't trust her at all, too much of an unknown.
  Eight, perky girl. She looked harmless enough, if it weren't for the deadly sharp trident she was holding. I don't like when my victims have a better range than I have with my weapon. Luckily I have a few throwing knives on me.
  Nine, glowing girl. She was literally glowing. What the fuck is with these weirdos? She didn't seem to have a weapon, but the glow was unnerving enough to put me off a bit. It reminded me of a fire.
  Anyways, ten. Orange girl had an aura of authority, and seemed to radiate intimidation. She stood out from the rest, watching around cautiously. She was a predator, a killer like me. She was probably hiding knives in that bright outfit of hers. I looked forward to testing her strength.
  Eleven had some kind of harpoon/gun weapon, that could be risky if he knew what he was doing with it. On closer examination, he seemed to have....fins? Yeah, his ears were fins. I glanced over the others to see if they had the same, only perky trident girl did. Weird.
  Last but definitely not least, most in fact, tall guy. He was sitting crosslegged on the floor, eating some kind of lime green pie. There were two juggling clubs sitting next to him. Ugh, some kind of clown. When I was little clowns scared the shit out of me, that was years ago though. I've changed, a lot. However, though clown boy had a stoned expression and lazy grin, he made me uneasy. Maybe it was something to do with my childhood fear or my killer (literally) instincts warning me he wasn't to be messed with.
  Curious about these creatures I crept a little further along the branch, noticing sweater boy looked shocked about something, and was looking around. "WELL WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY?!?"
  Oh shit, blind girl must have noticed me and told him. I tried moving to my original, more hidden position on the branch, but due to my moment of distraction my foot hit a patch of wet moss and I slipped, losing my grip and falling. Fuck.

*•*•* AN*•*•*
More than 1000 words, yay! I had some extra random inspiration today while babysitting so, two chapters! I feel very accomplished :3
I noticed I already have a few reads and that makes me feel awesome too, I didn't expect people to be finding this so early!
Aaaaaanyways, have a great day and

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