:33< making furriends

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:33< Nepeta's POV

  This place is so cool! When Jeffy led us to the new hive I was a little nervous, but it looks awesome! Its in the middle of the woods like my old cave was, huh... I really miss Pounce.
  Anyway, it was a pretty big hive, and looked kind of weird and abandoned from the outside, but the inside is really pretty and cool! Me and Equius decided to take one of the basement rooms, he said we could because they remind me of my cave! He's such a great moirail.
  There was some kind of weird flat thing with pillows and blankets on it in our respitblock, I think the human called it a bed? Well whatever it is, its super fun for bouncing on! And sleeping on, apparently. Weird, apparently they don't have recuperacoons here!
  I'm getting hungry.....maybe I could go hunting out here? Equius wouldn't let me bring my kill into our respitblock though....ugh he can be so annoying sometimes! Sweatquius.
  I giggled at the nickname and Equius gave me a weird look.  "D--> Is there something you would like to say, Nepeta?" I shake my head.
  ":33< nope! absolutely nothing!" I pounced up onto the "bed", thinking about food. "*ac stretches with a yawn, tired from the recent fight, and wonders if purrhaps her big strong moirail has any food fur her?*"
  Equius sighed. "D--> No, I do not have any nourishment with me at the moment. That is something we will have to acquire while we are here, we could not e%pect the lowb100ds to be able to on their own."
  I rolled my eyes at the talk about blood colors then perked up. ":33<maaaaybe i could go hunting!"
  He scrunched his nose up in disgust. "D--> Nepeta, while I understand your habit and former need to hunt beasts for food, that may not be necessary here." I pouted and rolled over onto my back.
  ":33<but its fuuuun!!!" I protested, playfully flicking him with my tail. He didn't push it away, purrobably worried that it'd hurt me. "ill just go on my own!"
  "D--> No Nepeta, I can not allow it." He reaches over to "gently" pet me and I wince at the STRONG touch, causing him to quickly pull away.
  I groan in frustration and bite my coat, hissing both in anger and annoyance. ":33<fiiiine, ill just go expurrlore the hive!" I dashed off before he could protest.
  Once I got up to the main floor I saw the human, Jeff. I didn't completely trust him, but he didn't seem too bad! I smiled and waved to him. ":33<hi, im nepeta!" He looked down to me, he's a couple inches taller, and rolled his eyes.
  "I already know that." The human smirked as he spoke and I giggled.
  ":33<oh yeah, sorry!" I was quiet a moment before speaking up again. ":33<excuse me, but is there any food here or will this purrfectly skilled huntress have to catch some?"
  He chuckled, purrobably at my adorable puns, and grinned. "Nah, there's not much food here. There's plenty of animals and stuff around if you do wanna go hunting though."

Jeff's POV

  Almost as soon as I got each of those weirdos in their own rooms the cat girl came back upstairs and started talking to me. She seemed pretty cute, but I couldn't help but wonder how her blood would look splattered all over the room like a macabre painting, whatever color it was.
  I need to be patient, wait for them to let their guard down, then frame the first few deaths on the others here.
  After a few minutes of drawing out the conversation the girl ran off, and my curiosity got the best of me, so I decided to go talk to Vriska, the one who seemed most like me. She was staying by herself on the second floor, apparently nobody wanted to share with her. Not surprising, especially if she's what I think.
  I knock in the doorframe and she looks over. She was sitting on her bed crosslegged, reading some old looking journal. She quickly closed it. "Hello????????"
  "Hey, its me." I stepped in and she rolled her eyes.
  "What do you waaaaaaaant?" Oh great, I'm already annoying her.
  "To talk." I decide to get straight to the point. "You're a killer, aren't you?"
  She rolled her eyes. "TH8TS what you came in here to talk a8out????????" I quickly nodded. "Well, since you put it that way, yes."
  I smirked, that was easier than I'd thought. "And the rest of you weirdos?"
  "Juuuuuuuust Terezi and Eridan, Nepeta hunts a lot, got a pro8lem with that? I 8et aaaaaaaany of us could take you down E8SILY, except mayyyyyyyy8e Tavros."
  "Tavros? That's the guy with the huge as fuck horns in the wheelchair thing, right?" I wanted to make sure I had the name connected to the right "troll".
  The fairy nodded. "Yeahhhhhhhh, he's soooooooo lame!!!!!!!! LIT8RALLY!" She laughed, and I smirked. Some of these guys seem pretty entertaining.
  "Hah, you actually seem alright. By the way, there's not much food here so you idiots are going to want to go find some." Not that I cared if they went hungry, but I wanted to be what killed them. Not hunger or dehydration. These fuckers are mine.
  She nodded and brushed some if her pitch black hair from her face. "Alr8, I'll find a way. May8e my dice could help somehow." She added the last part on as an afterthought, and I frowned slightly in confusion.
  "Dice? What the fuck are you talking about?" She laughed at my response.
  "Oh, youuuuuuuu'll see!!!!!!!!" She purred as she spoke, which both pissed me of and intrigued me at the same time. I'd always had a soft spot for animals, especially cats. I just found the way they toyed with their prey before the meal. How dare /my/ prey mimic their actions! Fuck this bitch.


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