Hood Love 2

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Erin and Dre have been married for a whole year now. They lived in Cabo and still have their house there but they moved back to the United States, now they live in Los Angles.

Dre gave up the drug game for Erin and Marr. Shortly after, he was joking around rapping to Erin. Her cousin was there, he's a music producer for one of the hottest record labels on the west side. Dre got signed and began making music. Erin is a hairstylist and owns her own salon which does very well.

Marr plays basketball and he's now 6 years old. He's really smart and handsome too.




Erin POV

"Why does it seem like every time I open my heart, he's already in love?" I sang along to the song playing from my shower speakers.

The door suddenly swung open. I jumped and saw Dre standing there, looking surprised.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Dre'Shaun?!"

"Was that you singing?"

"You really did all that to see if that was me singing or not?"

"Answer my question."

"Yes now close the door!" He closed the door to the shower and left the bathroom, crazy ass.

I got out, dried off and got ready for work. I walked downstairs and saw Marr eating breakfast and watching cartoons.

"You ready?"

"I been waiting on you! Slow." He said then laughed. I slapped the back of his neck then took off running. I knew he was running behind me. When I got to the hallway entrance, Dre snatched me up.

"Get her Marr, get her!" He said and Marr started hitting me.

"Put me down!" He put me down.

I kissed him, got my purse and keys then walked to my car. Marr buckled in then I pulled off heading to his school.

Marr likes walking in school by himself. He got out but I forgot to give him money so I parked the car then walked in behind him. I gave him the money then headed towards the entrance when somebody stopped me.


"Hey Ms.Rankins." He said smiling.

"It's Mrs.Rankins." I said, letting him know I was married then touched my hair with my left hand, showing off the rock Dre gave me.

"My fault, how you doing?" He asked smiling.

"Fine, I can't be late to work. See you later." I said and walked out.

I was at work doing one of my clients hair and I had my headphones in when somebody tapped me on my shoulder. I took them out to see what she wanted.

"Dre is on the radio!" She yelled.

"What?" I ran to the radio and turned it up. She wasn't lying. I ran to my station, got my phone and called Dre.


"Baby your song is on the radio!"

"Which station?" I told him then I heard it in his background. "Oh shit!" He was so excited.

"Omg, my husband is on the radio y'all!"

It was a song you can twerk to so everybody got up and started dancing. I was so happy and proud of him, I'm ready to get home now. I finished up her hair, got my money and started cleaning my station for my next appointment.



"My song was on the radio!" I said to my manager.

"What can I say? I get shit done."

"Man hell yeah, we going out tonight!"

"Bet, I have another meeting right now with some promoters so i'ma call you later."


I hung up, got into my car and went straight to the mall. I bought some new outfits then left. I called Erin.


"We going out tonight."

"You can, I can't."

"Why not?"


"Your cousin can keep Marr, we going out."

"I'll see Dre."

"Yeah, you better be really by 10 o'clock. I know that." I hung up and drove to Erin's salon.

"Where my wife at?" I asked cuz I didn't see her.

"She went to go get lil Marr cuz you forgot to."

"Oh shit." I walked right back out and called her.

"Hello?" Marr answered the phone.


"Wassup dawg?" I laughed at him.

"Where my wife?"

"On the sidewalk talking to another man." He laughed.

"What? Where you at?"

"Sitting in the car at school." I hung up and drove over there. I parked beside Erin and walked around to the car.

"Where she at?"

"Over there." He pointed and I looked, Erin was coming my way.

"Hey baby." She tried to kiss me.

"Lil dude been telling me you was talking to another man."

"How you gon tell on me? You a punk!" He said.

"What? He tries to talk all the time, it ain't nothing." She walked to her side and got in.

"Mommy can I still get ice cream?"

"No cuz you told on me."

"Damn." Both of us looked at him.

"What the fuck you just say?" I asked.

"Dre you can't get on to him about cussing when you have the mouth of a sailor, back up." I backed up from the car and she pulled off.

I followed her home and when I walked in, Marr's spoiled ass had his ice cream cone and Erin was packing his bag.

"Go drop him off at my cousin's house."

"Erin that's 30 minutes both ways. I don't have an hour to waste."

"Listen, you wanted me to go and you said for him to stay the night at my cousin's house so that's what he's gonna do."

"You ain't gonna be punking me like this when we get older."

"Bye DaeDae." I walked out the door and drove to Donavan's house. I'm just ready to turn up tonight.

Erin POV

I got out of the bathtub and dried off. I put on lotion and my new lingerie from Victoria don't tell nobody. I curled my hair and put on my black leather red bottoms. I got the Hennessy, me and Dre never been the champagne type but that's hood love for you. I put rose petals all over the bed and lit candles.

Right when I finished, I heard the door close then Dre's heavy ass footsteps coming up the stairs. The door swung open and he was on the phone talking. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me laying on the bed.

"Man something came up, I'm not coming to the club." He hung up the phone.

I got up from the bed, walked up to him and kissed him. I grabbed him and pushed him on the bed. I pressed a button on my speaker remote. Silk - A Meeting In My Bedroom started playing and my built-in stripper pole came up from the floor. I danced to the song and stripped for him. I went to the top, twisted down backwards and hit the floor in a split then made it clap while I looked back at it.

He came straight out of his clothes and I made him sit down right next to the pole. I went to the top and when I came down, I landed right on top of his pole.

"Shit." He moaned. It's 'bout to be a hell of a night.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I walked downstairs and saw Dre putting plates of food on the table. He kissed me then slapped my booty and bit his lip.

"You cooking? Wow."

"You did some pro type shit last night, I had to do something for you."

"A Rolex would've been great but this is good too." I glanced up at him then burst out laughing.

"The money you make, you could buy 8 of them it don't even put a dent in your stack. I taught you well."

"Taught me? Dre please."

"Please what?" He bit his lip again.

"You know what? You love playing with me."

"I really do."

"Don't say it like that."

"You shouldn't have showed me all that shit last night." I got my plate and juice then went into the living room, he was about to follow me.

"Stay your ass in there." I said. I finished my food then we showered and got ready. I put on a white crop top, a teal colored maxi skirt, gold earrings, a gold chain, gold bow sandals with a gold MK bag. I wore my hair wavy and we were ready to go.

We got out at a building downtown. We took the elevator to the 8th floor and entered a room. Every since yesterday when Dre's song was played on the radio, everybody wants to book him for everything. We walked in joking and everybody was looking at us. I saw my stalker from the school parking lot.

We sat down and the whole meeting he was staring at me. I tried my hardest not to make eye contact with him.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back." I said.

I got my purse and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I didn't feel like being stared at anymore. Creeping ass. I walked out of the bathroom and there he was, waiting.

"Um, can I help you?"

"I won't beat around the bush, would you like to go out sometime?"

"When you just saw me walk in with my husband."

"I'll show you things that he can't, a chance is all I need honestly."

"That's something you won't get though."

"For now." He said. I flipped my hair and walked past him. Dre came out of the room as soon as I got to the door. He looked down the hall at him then at me. Shit, here we go.

"We can't go no motherfucking where without niggas staring at your ass, trying to get with you, all that shit!" Dre said as we got into the car.

"Like I can help it! You act like I entertain them!"

"It don't fucking matter."

"I can actually be trusted!"

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like Dre! Did I cheat on you?"

"That's fucked up, why you bringing up my past?"

"Cuz you on some rah rah shit like I can't be trusted, I haven't done anything to show you I'm disloyal!" He stopped at the red light.

I looked over at some dude staring at me and smiling. Dre let the window down and was waving his gun.

"Fuck you looking at bitch?"

"Dre calm down! The fuck?" The dude sped off, running the light. I snatched it from him and put it in the glove compartment. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm tired of this shit." I shook my head and sat back. It's never that damn serious.

Hood Love 2Where stories live. Discover now