Chapter 19

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After two rounds with Dre, I showered and threw on something to wear around the house. I decided to get breakfast started. I really have to make Dre happy so I'm cooking French toast, eggs, bacon, and cheese grits.

Soon, the smell of food filled the house and all three of them exited their rooms and sat down at the dinner table. I fixed all four of us plates and orange juice then sat down.

"How is the food y'all?" I decided to break the ice so I could pop the question.

"Good," all of them answered in unison.

"Good. I have a question." When I said that, it made Dre look up. "How would y'all like it if I started working for Lil' J?"

"I love lil' J! That's my favorite rapper," Marr said.

"He's really cute," Ky said. Dre's eyes got big.

"Watch yo' mouth Ky," Dre snapped. All of us laughed.

"What's your opinion Dre?" I questioned.

"Working like what?" He wouldn't even look up from his plate.

"Being his manager," I answered.

"Hell nah," he said quickly.

"Why not?" I sat my fork down and crossed my arms.

"Uh oh, time to go," Marr said before getting up from the table. Ky followed suit after finishing her French toast.

"You so selfish Dre," I said getting up. I'm really hurt. After all I sacrifice, I can't do at least one thing I want to do? Then he didn't even think about it twice! I got up and walked to our room. I heard his footsteps behind me.

"E, what's your problem?" Is he serious?

"Why can't I do something for myself? Its always what you want!"

"Calm down first, baby. If you on the road with him, we gon' miss you. This house can't function without you. I love you and if he tries to get with you, it's gon' be over for him."

"You so jealous," I said looking away.

"What's mine is mine, I don't share."

"I can work from here, that's extra money."

"What did I tell you when we got together?" he asked.

"That's not the point and you told me a lot of things," I answered. He gave me a look so I answered, reluctantly, "You said as long as you're around, I don't have to want for anything."

"Exactly, I don't even know why you working now."

"During the time I got that job, we weren't together."

"I don't want to talk about that," he said then put me on the bed before climbing on top of me.

"Dre, again?"

"Hell yeah. Your boss is gon' be just fine," he said as he took my shirt off.

I just let Dre take over and do what he wanted to do. It was amazing as usual but in the back of my mind, I was still thinking about his quick, selfish reaction.

"Hey, how are you?" I asked Lil' J as he hugged me.

"I'm good, I'm good. You?"

"Same here," I answered before sitting down.

"Did you talk to your family about my offer?" He actually looked like he had hope in his eyes. I completely hate letting people down. Besides, that's good money!

"I did, we talked about it."

"So what's the answer? Don't keep me waiting," he said with a smile.

"I'll take it," I answered. My heart was beating a million times a second.

"What? Hell yeah," he said. "We got work to do, lets get to it." He gave me a brief case and it was packed!

"What is this?" I looked through the packed Manila folders that weren't even labeled.

"I don't know, my business? That was my old manager's brief case but we never got around to that work. Those are bookings and tours or some shit," he said taking a swig of his beer.

"What the hell? You have a show in California tomorrow!" I was pissed and nervous at the same time.

"Baby girl just calm down, you can do this. Go home and pack your things then take care of what you need to do. The numbers and names you need are on the pages. I got somebody waiting on me at the hotel, I'll get at you."

"Aight," I said. He kissed my forehead then left. Dammit!


"What the fuck you mean? I told you that you couldn't take the job!" I can't believe Erin! She so stubborn.

"Lower your voice," she said before she pulled a suitcase out of our closet.

"Not this shit again! You leaving?"

"No Dre! We have to be in LA tomorrow," she answered.

"You not going," I said. I snatched the suitcase from her. She snatched it back and pushed past me.

"Before I leave, I'll write down a schedule or something so you'll know where the kids are supposed to be at what times."

"Erin you sure you want to take this job?" I made her turn around to face me.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I'm just wondering if this job is worth losing your family over."

I left the room, got the kids, and pulled away from the house. I guess Erin doesn't care about me and the kids. If she did, she wouldn't be at the house packing.

When I made it back home with the kids, Erin was gone. I walked into the kitchen and saw a schedule she made sitting on the island. This is what our marriage has come to? She just do whatever she wants instead of thinking about her family? Honestly, Erin and I were wonderful when we weren't married. Our young asses somewhat jumped into it but we in it now.

"Where's ma at?" Marr asked. He got a juice from the refrigerator and looked up at me.

"She in Cali," I answered, leaning against the counter.

"What she doing there?" He looked confused as to why his momma wasn't here and why she didn't tell him about her sudden departure.

"Lil' J got a show in LA tomorrow," I answered.

"She ain't tell me that," he frowned a little bit.

"She gon' be back, it's just for a couple days."

He shook his head and left the kitchen. As close as she is to Marr, she didn't even tell him. My lil' man is hurt on the inside. She oughta see his face right now.


Lil' J was on the stage killing it! Since I had a small break, I decided to go ahead and call Dre and see how he's doing with the kids. I know he's probably pissed, though.

"Hello?" Marr answered the phone.

"Hey Marr, what you doing?"

"We at the hospital ma," he answered in a sad tone.

"The hospital? What you doing there?" Dre could've called me!

"Ky sick, she couldn't breathe. You need to come back," he said.

"Why couldn't she breathe? Where's your daddy?" I was trying not to panic.

"Hello?" I heard Dre's voice.

"What's wrong with Ky?"

"It's something she ate, her throat started to close up."

"What did y'all eat?" I asked.

"Burger King." He sounded tired and irritated.

"Dre'Shaun you know she can't eat sesame seeds! What the hell were you thinking?"

"Well maybe if you would've been here, this wouldn't have happened," he snapped.

I heard the three beeps that let me know Dre had hung up on me. I can't be worried about Dre and his temper tantrums, I'm worried about my baby girl!

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