Chapter 15

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Erin POV

I walked out of courthouse with my daddy by my side. I can't believe all this drama is going on in my life. As soon as I got to my daddy's truck, Dre and Brandy walked down the steps towards the parking lot.

"Best believe I will be getting my child back," Brandy said to me.

I didn't say anything because if we start arguing again, I'm going right back inside this building. Her ugly ass got me banned from the Wal-Mart on the South side! Now I have to drive uptown to go to Wal-Mart.

"Mommy why can't I see my daddy? And why did Pop Pop hurt daddy?" Kylynn asked me.

"It's a long story Ky," I said getting in the back of the truck beside her. "Marr I need to talk to you when we get home."

"Yes ma'am," he answered.

I'm too young to be going through all this! I'm not supposed to be married or have kids. I'm supposed to be a college graduate, looking for a job dealing with my degree. Sounds selfish but damn, this is hard.

"What you need to talk to me about ma?" Marr asked as we sat on the front porch.

"You're very mature for your age and you understand so much more than Ky does," I started. He nodded his head. "Since Ky isn't my child biologically, her mother or your daddy is probably gonna take her from me."

"That's not my daddy."

"Yes it is Marr and you need to stop acting disrespectful towards him, okay?"


"Because that's your daddy, regardless of what he did to me. You have to learn to forgive people."

"Have you forgiven him?"

"Not yet but I will."

"Are y'all getting back together?"

"Listen Marr --"

"Yes or no momma?"

"No Marr. I feel like if he hits me once he'll do it again and I don't like that."

"He'll hit me and Ky, too."

"No he won't, he loves y'all."

"He said he loved you, too."

"He's gonna be in your life, okay?"


I opened my arms and he got out of his chair and walked over to where I was. He hugged me and I kissed him cheek. Marr is my back bone for sure.


I heard my phone beep, letting me know I had a text. I got my pizza out of the oven and looked at it. I can't believe this.

Baby♥️: We need to talk.

Me: Where you want me to meet you at?

Baby♥️: The park downtown.

Me: I'm on my way.

I put on some Nike socks and my slides then got my keys and locked the house up. I can't believe she wanna talk to me. Shit, I'm nervous as hell.

I parked my car beside her car and got out. I spotted her sitting on a picnic table and made my way over there. I sat down beside her.

"What's this about?" I asked.

"The kids, us, everything."

"I got hella time, go ahead."

"Ky isn't mine so I won't continue to act how I've been acting. Y'all can get her just please let her come stay with me sometimes. You and I, we're done. If you hit me once, you'll do it again. I'm most likely going to sell my shop. I'll be back in LA next week to pack up everything that belongs to me and Marr. I'll get my cars sent here, too."

"This really what you wanna do? You really gonna leave me?"

"I'm sorry Dre."

I put my head in my hands; the same hands that tore my family apart and got me into this situation.

"What about Marr?"

"I told him that you're still his father and you can get him whenever you can."

"He forgives me?"

"He's getting there."


"Slowly," she answered looking me in the eyes.

I hate this man. All we done been through and she can just give up this easily? Makes my heart hurt.

"Can I get a hug?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said and stood up.

I stood up too and pulled her to me. She laid her head on my chest and I rested my head on hers. This gonna be hard as hell but I gotta get through it.

-- Two months later --

Erin POV

"Hello?" I answered Dre's phone call.

"Wassup? Where you at?"

"The house," I answered, referring to the new three bedroom, two and a half bath, one story I bought myself.

"Marr ready?"

"Yeah, you on the way?"

"Yeah, I'm finna pull up."

"Aight." I hung up and walked into Marr's room. "Your daddy's almost here."

"Ok," he turned his game off and grabbed his bag. I heard Dre honk the horn and I walked Marr to the door. Dre waved and I waved back before closing the door.

This co-parenting only this is going great between Dre and I. Its nothing wrong with being friends and we're in a good place right now, I'm happy with this arrangement.

I showered then put on lotion and deodorant. Today I'm wearing a black skirt, a pink shirt with ruffles in the front and pink heels. I pulled the rollers out of my hair and ran my fingers through it.

"Work boo," I said to myself out loud. I got my purse, work bag, phone and keys then left, heading downtown to my first day at my new job.

I walked into the huge office building and stopped at the front desk, waiting for the receptionist to end her phone call and greet me.

"May I help you?" she asked with an attitude.

"I'm the new intern. I'm supposed to be seeing Penelope Davidson."



"Go to that elevator, fourth floor, third door on the right."

"Thank you," I smiled and made my way to the elevator.

I saw a man in a suit rushing towards the closing elevator doors. I pushed the button so they would open back up and he could board the elevator.

I'd say he's about 6'4, dark and muscular. He reminds me of Tyrese - bald head and all.

"Thank you," he said and flashed a pearly white smile.

"No problem. Which floor?"

"Fourth." I nodded, staying still because I had already pressed the four. "So, do you have a meeting with us?"

"Excuse me?"

"I didn't stutter did I?" he asked in a joking tone.

"I'm sorry, first day jitters."

"Welcome to the team," he said as the doors slid open.

"Thank you."

I walked out and took my right. I finally made it to the third door and stopped. I took a deep breath and let it out as I knocked on the door.

"You may enter," I heard the voice of Penelope Davidson, owner, founder and CEO of Star Records. I opened the door and approached her desk with a smile on my face.

"Hello Mrs. Davidson."

"It's Ms." Ok then, I stand corrected.

"Please excuse my error. Would you like to get started now?"

"Do you see what time it is?" she asked, not making eye contact with me but keeping her eyes on her Apple desktop computer.

"It's exactly nine o'clock on the dot."

"You don't see any error? As you say."

"No ma'am, I'm afraid I don't."

"You're late."

"You specifically instructed me to arrive at nine o'clock, I'm on time."

She took off her glasses and looked up at me, "Early is on time, on time is late and late means don't even bother to show up. Got it? Good." These hood roots I have are fighting their way out of me. "Now, get that stack over there," she pointed to a table full of different stacks, "sort all of those out into the following categories: producers, artists, songwriters and managers. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am," I grabbed as much as I possibly could.

"Your desk is the white desk across the hall from the elevator, I hope the dinging doesn't bother you too much." She smirked at me.

"Oh no ma'am, it won't be a bother at all. That's the sound of money coming in."

I shut the door behind me and made my way down the hall. I found my white, lifeless, lonely desk, right where she said it would be.

I put a picture of Ky, Marr and I on the desk in it's picture frame. Lets get this day started.

I exited the elevator and saw the man from earlier. He had taken his suit coat and tie off. I gave him a weak smile when I saw him look at me. He stopped what he was doing and came to where I was.

"Hey," he said smiling.


"How was your first day?"

"I think this will answer you question," I said and took my heels off. He laughed.

"Penelope ain't no joke."

"Tell me about it." I got my phone and saw that it was ten past five. "I have a class to get to, see you tomorrow."

"Wait, I didn't get your name."

"I didn't give it," I said laughing then walked out of the revolving doors.


I walked with Marr and Kylynn into the uptown Wal-Mart to get some stuff to eat. I'm still banned from the one on the south side so I gotta drive up here.

"I want mozerella sticks daddy," Ky said holding my hand.

"And what else?"

"Pop corn chicken."

"Aight weirdo. What you want?" I asked Marr.

"McDonald's," he answered.

"Marr I asked did you want that or anything from another restaurant before we passed by 'em."

"Don't we have to pass back by on the way to your house?"

"Yeah but that ain't the point," I said and he shrugged his shoulders.

"You can still take me though, that's my point."

I pulled him back by his arm, "Listen lil' boy, I'm being nice to your spoiled ass so don't push it."

"You gon' hit me like you did my momma," he said getting red.

I tried to keep my composure, "Nah I ain't gon' hit you but i'ma wear your lil' ass out with my belt when we get home now get in the damn shopping cart!"

He climbed up and sat down in the cart. This lil' nigga gon' drive me crazy! I guess that's my payback though 'cause I acted the same way with my daddy. I shook my head and finished shopping.

When we got home, I went straight to my room and got one of my belts. I called him name and he came into my room slowly 'cause he knew what the deal was. I grabbed his arm and started whipping him, something I never did to my son or daughter.

When I was done, he was shedding hella tears but he hard as shit though 'cause he ain't whine or scream one bit. He followed me into the living room.

"What you want to eat Marr?" he didn't answer. "De'Marr."

"Same thing Ky having."

"Why you ain't answer the first time I called your name?"

"I don't know."

I shook my head and got the two boxes out to start making their stuff. It's crazy how karma came back and bit me on the ass. Marr ain't no different than how I used to be.

The next morning, I made the kids take their baths while I made them breakfast. They got dressed then came out and sat at the table. I fixed my plate with cheese rice, patty sausage and two biscuits.

"Y'all like the food?"

Marr nodding, chewing his food still and Kylynn did, too.

"What y'all wanna do today?" I asked.

"I'm going home remember?" Marr said.

"I forgot, when you coming back?"

"I guess I'll come next weekend. I'm starting school tomorrow."

"That's cool with me. You ready to start?"

"I ain't got a choice."

I heard the doorbell ring and Ky got up to go get it.

"Mommy!" she said.

"Hey boo!" I heard Erin's voice instead of Brandy's.

"I miss you so much."

"I miss you too Ky."

She pulled Erin into the dining room where we were eating. I laughed instantly and Marr did, too.

"You look like a man E," I said. She had on baggy Levi's, a white tee that was too big and her Olympic 6s. I shook my head.

"Marr dared me to come pick him up wearing this, it's to kick off his birthday week."

"Marr you ain't that damn special."

"I must be! You ain't special daddy! And you ugly!" All of us burst out laughing.

"Lil' boy you look just like me!"

"I ain't ugly though!"

"Because you look like me."

"The lies!" Marr said and I couldn't help but laugh. He gets being so silly from him momma.

"Let's go so I can get out these clothes," Erin said picking up Marr's bag.

"See you later daddy." He dapped me, hugged Ky and they left.

I'm glad my son ain't upset with me no more. I just want peace and happiness since I can't have Erin's love. Being happy, that's what it's all about.

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