Chapter 3

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I woke up and Erin wasn't beside me. I heard her throwing up in the bathroom and looked at the time. It's only 8:15, uhoh. I ran to the bathroom.

"You aight baby?"

"No, don't you see me over a toilet spilling my guts out!"

"What's wrong?" She went to the sink to wash her mouth and brush her teeth.

"You!" She said when she finished.

"What I do?"

"What don't you do!" She started hitting me. I grabbed her wrist and pushed her against the wall, kissing her neck. "Get off me! That's why I'm sick!"

"What you mean?"

"The last time we had sex I told you I better not get pregnant, look at me! My morning sickness has already started!" I let down her and walked off. She turned the shower on and I just sat down in my thoughts.

She can't be pregnant, not again. That's 3 kids! None of them were even planned. Shit! I got too much on my plate. I walked in the bathroom and talked to her through the glass.

"Baby are you sure?" I could hear her crying.

"No but I'm tired of going through this shit! It can't even be about me cuz either I'm pregnant, running from the Feds or dealing with your kids and your baby momma when I didn't even ask to be one! I didn't ask for any of this shit!"

"Erin I'm sorry."

"You always sorry Dre!" She said getting out and drying off.

"Let's go get a test first."

"You go get it, I have a meeting and photo shoot to be at." She said and walked out. Damn!

I got my keys and walked out the door. I have on a muscle shirt, pajama pants and house shoes but I don't give a damn! I gotta get this test.

Erin POV

I got out of the shower, put on lotion, then went into my walk-in closet. I got a sundress with micheal kors sandals and accessories.

Marr and Kylynn are at India's house so I don't have to worry about cooking this morning. I was on my way downstairs when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Coming!" I said. I got downstairs and walked through the hall to the door. I opened it to see the person on the other side. "May I help you?" I asked.

"You don't recognize me?"

"I'm afraid I don't, sorry."

"You don't recognize your own bestfriend?"

"What?" I asked backing up.

"You thought I was dead huh?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Paying my bestfriend a visit."

"You need to go Vonte." He was backing me into the wall.

"You didn't wanna see me?"

"No, I didn't."

"Why? Cuz you felt guilty?"

"Nah cuz you a snake!"

"How am I a snake? You a snake! You betrayed me for a nigga!"

"None of that shit would've happened if you didn't betray me for some bitch you was with just for a lil while!"

"You and Dre didn't have much time in either so what the fuck you trying to say?"

"Me and Dre still rocking after all these years so state facts!"


"I don't see you with a ring on your finger!"

"Cuz you took that away from me!"

"Both of them got exactly what they were looking for!"

"You ruined my life!"

"You still living so be thankful I didn't end that shit!"

"So my life just shit now?"

"It wasn't bout shit as I remember!"

"What the fuck going on?" Dre said as he walked through the door. Vonte turned to face him. "Erin who is this?"

"You don't remember me?"

"Nigga I don't know you and you damn sure don't know me."

"After I got out of the hospital, they took me to prison cuz of the dead body in the house, illegal weapons and drugs! I went in for your shit cuz they couldn't trace you!"

"That ain't my fucking problem Vonte." He said. "You coming to my house after all these years on some bullshit?"

"Yes! I loved Erin! I still do! She was my bestfriend and right when I'm finna make my move, your monkey ass tell me you want her!"

"Make your move?" I asked.

"I wanted you to be mine." I dropped my jaw. Dre walked over to me and grabbed me by my waist.

"You won't get this one, remember that!" He lifted his shirt where he gun was.

"Erin I'll get you one way or another." With that he walked out, leaving me speechless.

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