Chapter 6

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Vonte POV

"I threw the ring at him."

"Word? It's that serious?"

"Yes, I'm tired of this but I love him."

"Erin I really don't wanna hear that."

"Sorry, listen i'ma talk to you later."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." She hung up.

She really loves Dre, I ain't even gotta chance. I guess i'ma try to help them out and get over her. I scrolled through all the names that were in my phone. I picked out a girl I met at a club when I first got out, see what she got going.

Vonte: wassup?

Diamond: nothing :) wassup?

Vonte: smiley face?

Diamond: yup, wyd?

Vonte: was gon ask to take you out.

Diamond: I'd love to. Just tell me when and where.

Vonte: what about now?

Diamond: sure!

I told her where to meet me. I threw on some more clothes and went to go meet her, I gotta get my mind off somebody I know I can't have.


I walked into the studio so I could work on some new stuff. I spoke to everybody when I walked in and went straight into the booth. I miss Erin so much but I gotta get to this money, she won't even text me back. I need to relieve some stress.

After I finished it was about 2 AM. I sat down in a seat and this girl came and sat on my lap. I pushed her off of me. I'm not even in the mood for these groupies.

"I'ma get at y'all later man." I said.

"You leaving so soon?" somebody asked.

"Yeah." I opened the door and walked out.

I exited the building and walked into the parking lot towards my car. I hopped in and a hand wrapped around my neck then I heard laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"I always get what I want, I know you want me too. Your wife ain't gotta know baby." The girl from the studio crawled into the front seat.

"Get out."

"So you gon play hard to get baby?"

I put my hand on the handle and pushed it, opening the door. I pushed her.

"Baby, stop!"

"Bitch get your crazy ass out!"

"I'll get you, one way or another."

I crank up the car and backed out. I went to the hotel, packed up my stuff and checked out. I drove to the house. I unlocked the door and cut the light on in the living room. I saw Erin at the staircase with her gun.

"It's just me baby." I said.

"What made you come back?"

"I missed you and my babies."


"You want me to leave?"

"Nah, come on." I went upstairs and followed her to our bedroom.

She crawled in bed and I got in behind her. I laid there for a minute, not wanting her to be mad. I went ahead and wrapped my arms around her though. She didn't pull away so I pulled her to me.

She turned towards me and laid her head in my chest. I kissed her head and held her tight. This is how it's supposed to be. Me and my baby.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I washed my face then walked downstairs. My kids ran up to me.

"Daddy! I missed you!" Kylynn said hugging my leg.

"I missed you too pops!" Marr said.

"I missed y'all too, lets eat." We sat down at the table.

Erin cooked bacon, eggs, blueberry pancakes with orange juice and fruit on the side. I said grace then we dug in. I missed her cooking too.

"So daddy, where were you?"

"I had to take care of business, fix a few things."

"Okay, will you take us skating today?"

"At the rink?"

"Yes sir."

"Yeah I'll take y'all, but y'all gotta make your mama come."

"Nope, y'all have fun."

"Why mommy?" Kylynn asked pouting.

"I suck at skating."

"Daddy will pick you up whenever you fall, he's always there." I looked at Erin.

"Always." I said. She smiled and continued eating.

Erin POV

We got out at the skating rink and walked in. Dre paid, we got our tickets and got our skates. I helped Kylynn and Marr put theirs on then they were off.

"Come on." Dre said reaching for my hand. I hesitated. "I gotchu."

I got up and we skated to the floor. He held on to my hips and guided me. I started getting better and better. He let me go and I almost fell, he snatched me up, laughing.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"You laughing yourself!"

I was looking for the kids. I spotted Marr talking to some grown man. Me and Dre were leaning against the wall and I said I'd be right back.

I slowly skated over there so I wouldn't fall. When I got closer, I used the front to slow down and I recognized who it was.

"Last time I saw you, you was a newborn." he told Marr.

"Wrong dude, ion know you." I laughed a little at him.

"Wassup Erin?"

"Hey Vonte."

"What you doing here?"

"Family outing."

"Oh, just y'all 3?"

"Us 4 actually."


"I have a daughter." Marr went to get her and they skated back to me. Kylynn isn't too good with strangers so she stood behind me and waved.

Just then a high yellow girl walked up. She's average, nothing special. She stood beside Vonte.

"Diamond this is Erin, Erin this is Diamond."

"Hello." Diamond said, she sounds so ghetto but anyway.

"Nice to meet you." I said. "You not skating?"

"Naw." She said and began looking around. "Vonte I'll be right back."

"Where you going?"

"Bathroom, to powder my face."

"You just gon sweat it off when you skate."

"No I won't." She took off towards the bathroom. It's like as soon as the door closed, shots rang off. I ran to Marr and pushed him and Kylynn down. I laid on top of them, making sure they didn't get hit.

When all the shots ended, I saw who I came with but it's 2 people I didn't see and 1 thing I did see. The two people I didn't see were Diamond and Vonte, what I saw was a trail of blood from where he stood, to the side door. That damn Diamond.

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