Chapter 18

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I didn't proofread so please excuse any mistakes! Don't comment telling me what I did wrong, you don't have to be spell check for me 'cause like I said, I didn't proofread, I'll edit later.


I heard the elevator bell ding so I looked up from the paperwork I was doing. I sighed and put my pen down.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Dre. He kissed me and put a big yellow envelope in front of me.

"Open the envelope," he said, smiling.

I opened the envelope and pulled the papers out. I read the top then looked at what looked like a chart. My heart kind of skipped a beat then I read the results.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I said and hopped up to hug him.

"So I can get some tonight?"

"Dre, really? You're ridiculous."

"I'm feigning baby, I need that good good real bad bad."

I burst out laughing and sat back down.

"You better have my dinner ready and my bubble bath, too."

"That's a bet baby," he kissed me and walked back to the elevator. "See you at five?"

"See you at five big daddy," I winked.

"Don't play with me E," he said. He got into the elevator then the doors slid closed.

"Erin!" I heard Penelope call. I got up from my desk and quickly made my way to her office.

"Yes?" I peeked my head in the door.

"In about thirty minutes our new artist will be here. He's very big in the music industry and know internationally. I want you to show him to lunch and to his hotel."

"Sure thing. Who is it?"

"Lil J."

"I thought he was already signed to a label?"

"Some way, we wooed him over. You're doing really good so far Miss Erin."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Thirty minutes later exactly, the elevator door rang and a huge clique came piling out. Lil J was in front and he was looking wonderful if I do say so myself. He had on a pair of Cool Grey 9s and dark jeans with a black and grey Tupac sweatshirt. Diamonds studs were in his ears and a silver Michael Kors watched was on his wrist; the diamonds were dancing!

I stood up and walked over to him and his clique. All eyes were on me so I flashed a smile and stopped not to far from him.

"Hi, we've been expecting you, sir."

"Oh have you now?" His eyes were full of lust.

"We have. Please follow me to the meeting room."

I made my way down the hall with them on my heels. I let all of them have a seat and when it seemed like they were comfortable, I exited the room.

"They're here," I announced to Penelope. She smiled and stood up, heading towards the meeting room.

About forty-five minutes later, they were back in front of me. Some of them crew looked uncomfortable and others looked irritated.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Your boss is uptight as hell and so is the rest of the staff," Lil' J said. "She told us to come find you."

"I'm sorry about that. Y'all hungry?" I asked, getting my phone and purse.

"Hell yeah," Aiden said. He's Lil' J's best friend.

"Well let's go," I said.

All of us loaded up into his Mercedez tour van and I told the driver to take us to a BarBQ joint downtown called Mr. T's.

We all walked in and sat down. Two waitresses came and took our orders. Our drinks came shortly after and our food took about twenty minutes.

"So, y'all just came to sign those papers?"

"Nah, I got a concert tonight. You haven't heard about it?"

"No, there hasn't been any promotion."

"What the hell? Where's Benjamin? Charlie Brown lookin' ass nigga, man. Get Ben on the phone." I could tell he was heated. I would've been too if my manager was taking care of business.

"Ben I thought you promoted the concert. Isn't that what you were supposed to do like two weeks ago?" he paused to let Ben explain. "You fired my nigga, done."

He hung up and started back eating his food. If there isn't promotion, there isn't ticket sales which means no money for him. A thought popped into my head.

"I got you," I said taking a sip of my sweet tea.


"I do the promotion for you."

"The concert's tonight shawty," his southern drawl was so heavy.

"I know, I still got you. I got a little something for y'all back at the office. I set up the hotel rooms for y'all already so all y'all have to do is pay and get the rooms keys. After that just relax of do whatever you want to do, I'll handle the rest."

"I don't think you can do it in some hours," he admitted.

"I think she can," Aiden said. I know I can.

After I got dropped off and the office, I went straight to my truck and went downtown to a printing business. The business is ran by Pinky's mother so I know this won't be a problem.

"Hi sweetheart," she greeted me as I walked in.

"Hey, I need a huge favor."

"Anything for my sweet Erin."

"I need two hundred copies of this ran off, please." I handed her the flyer Benjamin was supposed to get copied.

"Sure, give me about five minutes."


I stepped outside and made a call to an old friend from high school, Quishon. He works at the radio station.



"Who is this?"

"Erin, I need a huge favor."

"Sure, what's up?"

"Lil' J has a concert tonight and his manager didn't promote. Can you get the word out and broadcast it on the radio for me?"

"Hell yeah, if I can get two tickets."

"Sure whatever. Come by Star Records at five o'clock and I'll be there with your tickets."

"Cool, I'll get there word out."


I hung up and walked back inside. I paid Pinky's mom, got the copies, then drove to the south side. I started stapling the fliers everywhere; in front of stores, gas stations, apartment buildings-everywhere! I went to other areas and passed out the fliers until I was all out.

It was now two o'clock and I was tired as hell. I got a large Fruitopia from McDonald's and drove to the hotel Lil' J and his crew were staying at. I saw Aiden in the lobby and told him to tell everybody it was time to go to sound check.

The left and I went to the liquor store. I bought three bottles of Hennessy, three bottles of Ciroc, a case of Bud Light and some Swishers. They'll want to get right before the concert so I'm looking out. I put all of the liquor and Swishers into his dressing room then left.

After giving Quishon his two tickets, I left, heading home. When I made it there, Dre was about to take the kids to my parent's house. I went straight to our room, stripped and got into my hot bubble bath. I soaked and listened to the music Dre had playing.

Not too long later, Dre was back and he got in, too. He came to my side of the bath tub and sat me on his lap.

"Happy Anniversary baby," I said after kissing him.

"Happy Anniversary to you, too. I love you."

"I love you, too."

We sat and enjoyed each other's company. When we got out of the tub though, it was a totally different story! As soon as I got out, Dre had picked me up and carried me to our bed. Finally! Its been a while.

I lost track of what round we were on when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw that it was Lil' J.

"Hello?" I answered out of breath.

"Erin, the concert was sold out! I can't believe you came through but I'm thankful you did."

"You're welcome J," I said smiling.

"I saw your address on something Penelope gave me so I came and knocked on your door."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

"It's cool, I left you a little surprise in your mailbox. Enjoy it."

"Aw, thank you so much."

"You're welcome and I need to meet with you tomorrow about something important. Can you go to the BarBQ spot we were at earlier around twelve tomorrow?"

"Sure, see you then."

I hung up and Dre flipped me over, taking control again.

I got dressed in a pair of black jeans, a black Ralph Lauren shirt with the red horse, a red Ralph Lauren hat with the black horse, Toro 4s and a Rolex Dre bought me for our Anniversary.

When I made it to Mr. T's, Aiden was already there and so was Lil' J. I sat down in front of them.

"Damn, you can dress your ass off."

"Thanks Aiden," I smiled at his compliment. "So what's up?"

"That shit you pulled off yesterday was amazing. The food was good, the hotel was the shit, then the concert was one of the best I ever did plus you had us loaded with liquor. Good looking out."

"You're welcome J."

"So I was wondering," he took a swig of his Bud Light, "would you be my manager?"

I froze and my heart skipped about two and a half beats. I didn't know what to say. All I saw was dollar signs and it seems like it would be fun.

"As much as I would love to except that offer, I can't."

"What? Why not?"

"I have two kids and a husband, I can't go on the road with you."

"They can come, too. I'll get a teacher for your kids, I need you to be my manager."

"That sounds fine and dandy but they have friends."

"We won't be gone all the time, swear. Please talk to your husband and consider it."

"I will."

"Seriously? Be for real."

"I will, promise."

I sat back and looked towards the window at the highway. Dammit, I really want to take this job! It's all up to Dre and the kids; that's the problem.

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