New beginnings.

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Seetha observed the picture frames that lined Richard's living room.There was one with of an young Richard with a woman Seetha assumed was his mother and another man in an officer's uniform who was probably his father.Next to him stood two young boys in officers' dress as well.No wonder Richard feels out of place,he was probably pushed into joining the army at an early age,Seetha thought.There was a picture of Richard's graduation,a photo of him with a child,probably his niece.But the one that caught his attention was that of him with a young woman.She had stunning grey eyes and brown hair that made her features stand out.Seetha couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy.

Seetha looked around startled when she heard someone cough to see an amused Richard standing behind her.

"I'm so sorry,the door was unlocked and I...I should have knocked first..I'm so.."Seetha looked away,clearly embarrassed.

"Relax its alright" Richard said soothing her shoulders.Seetha stiffened.Richard quickly moved away.

"Sorry ..that was .."

"Its alright" Seetha cut him off.

"So a military family?"Seetha prompted.

"Yes ,I take it you saw the pictures"

"Your family looks wonderful"

"They are"Richard beamed.

"Who is the girl?the one with grey eyes"

"Oh...she is my sister"

"I didn't see her in any family pictures,what's her name?"


"She is very beautiful"

"Yes she is,now I would like to give YOU a tour this time around" He said grinning.

"Sure" She giggled.

Richard's boots tapped the perfectly polished marble tiles that decorated the bungalow's floor.Next to the living room was a glass cabinet that showcased trophies,medals and souvenirs.The two floored bunglaow was a perfect example of Victorian architecture at it's finest.The ceiling was painted white with a single chadelier at the centre.Candle stands were neatly arranged on both sides of the corridor that lead to the study.It consisted of a single large table and a chair,gigantic bookshelf on one end.Seetha's excitement rose.

She has always enjoyed reading book,but since leaving Mr. Baton's home she hasn't got many opputunities to do so.

"You like books?" Richard enquired.

"I love them" She said rushing towards the large bookshelf.She got hold of the first book that grabbed her attention.It had "Pride and Prejudice' engraved in golden letters on it.It was her favourite book,the story of the powerful Mr.Darcy and the independent Jane.

"Have you read that?"Richard enquired,moving to stand beside her.

"Yes I have, it's my favourite book" Seetha replied,her voice shrill with excitement.

Richard laughed,his voice filling the otherwise silent room.

"What are you laughing at?"Seetha asked ,slightly offended

"That story is a bit ..I don't know unreal ,don't you think?"Richard asked,moving towards the giant windows on the other end of the room

"Why do you think so?"Seetha questioned,her brows perked up.

"Why would a man of Darcy's power risk everything for a girl of lower status like Jane?"

"Maybe he was in love" Seetha commented.

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