Moving forward.

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                        Seetha did as she was told,she thought about it,infact that's all she did the next couple of days.She thought about it all the time,while eating,drinking,praying,no matter what she did,that was the only thought on her mind.She weighed in on the pros and the cons ,the good and the bad.Her sensible  side told her to forget about him,but the ache in her heart forced her to think otherwise.Seetha was completely torn between what she felt for Richard and her future.Giving in to Richard meant giving up her dreams to be a part of the big movement.It meant going against many principles she had set for herself,it meant losing her loved ones.It isn't worth it she kept telling her self,but her heart wouldn't let her to.

Savithri had noticed how Seetah was behaving very strangely.She would zone out mid conversations with her,and spend long hours by herself.She constantly pestered Seetha with questions,but she refused to disclose what had happened at the mansion to anyone .She also dreaded that Ranjan would discover what had happened,which would only fuel his hatred for Richard.Seetha had never been the one to make decisions based on her emotions,but this time however,her determination was faltering.

Seetha was laying down,her back resting against the rough forest floor.The sweet voice of the cuckoos soothed her paniced mind.She was laying beneath a mimosa tree and the yellow flowers were scattered all over her spread out hair,decorating it.

"I knew you would be here"

Seetha jumped up startled,her hair swaying sideways.She relaxed on seeing a very tired Ranjan standing before her.

"You scared me" she exclaimed.

"Seetha I'm so sorry about the other day" He said walking towards her.

"It's ok I think I over reacted a bit too"

Seetha said in a soft voice,thinking about what had happened with Richard.

"You were right all along" she wanted to tell him,but remained quiet.

"No, anyone would have reacted the same way,I should have never behaved with you like that"Ranjan said,his voice coated with guilt.

"It's alright,now stop being so formal with me" She said hugging him.She finally felt safe and at home,she always did when with him.

"I was just scared ,you know how manipulative those people can be.You are all I have,I was scared of losing you"He said caressing her hair.

"Don't be, I'll never leave you"She whispered.

"I won't let you"

"And just so you know I have decided not to meet him anymore"

"Really?" he looked at her

"Yes,my duty was to familiarize him with the village and I think my job is done"

"Well that's great then.I have one less thing to worry about."

Seetha sighed.Yes,she has made her decision.She will never meet him again and they can carry on with their lives just like he had said.

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