Love and other illusions.

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Richard sat on the bar,sipping his scotch.The windows of the mansion were swindling from the violent wind.Richard could see a storm brewing,it was raining cats and dogs.The monsoon had just arrived and had hit the village heavily.The chandelier flickered and swinged with the wind.Michael had just left and Richard had decided to stay in.His thoughts went back to the first time he met Seetha ,and smiled recalling the amused look on her face.But a bitter ache filled his heart when he realized she was no longer there with him or for him.Richard gulped down the bitter drink and lit a cigarette to try and soothe his mind.
"Don't forget what you did for her,who knows,maybe that will changed her mind",a small voice reminded him.
Richard laughed bitterly, moving to the main hall.

"She would have tried and talked with me by now and even if she had changed her mind it would be because she feels indebted to me,not because she likes me" Richard mumbled to himself

An urgent knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.Richard froze,feeling alerted.Richard glaced at the wall clock.It was half past 10 at night.Who could possibly visit me at this hour?
Richard garbbed his revolver and moved towards the entrance cautiously,his steps quick but gentle.The knocks were getting louder with ever second.Richard pulled open the door with one hand,while his other was firmly placed over his revolver.

Richard's eyes widened at the sight before him.At the entrance,stood Seetha ,soaked in rain,trembling.

"Can I come in?" She asked hugging herself.She was struggling for air,her face hidden by the darkness of amavasi.

"Ofcourse" Richard swiftly moved to the side.
Seetha rushed inside and moved next to the fireplace for warmth.

"Is everything alright?"he asked closing the door.Concern masking his face.

"yes alright" Seetha replied,feeling better from the heat.

"Oh my god, you are soaked ,you need to get dried up"

"No, I'm..alright"Seetha declined,and slowly walked towards him.

"No you are not,for heaven's sake,what happened?"

Seetha did not reply,she simply walked forward.Richard observed her,confused.Seetha halted once they were just a few inches apart.
"Are you really doing this?" A small voice in her mind warned her,but she quickly ignored it.
Richard stared at her,utterly confused,not at all expecting what was about to come next.
Seetha tiptoed and pressed her lips to his,mometarily shocking Richard.

"Thank you" She whispered moving back.Richard stood still,unable to speak.He felt even more confused than before.

Seetha quickly moved towards the door.

"Wait,where are you going?" Richard called after her.

"I need to be back"
Seetha yelled over the loud bellows of thunder.

"No I cannot let you leave,ther's a storm outside"
He grabbed her wrist.

"I came here by myself,I think I can find my way back too" She smiled and disappeared into the rainy night.

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