Closer to truth

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    A/N:Hey guys,first of all really sorry for this extremely late update,I've had this chapter like forever in my draft,but just couldn't find time to do the final edits so I couldn't upload it.I know how frustrating it is when you start reading a book,and the author just randomly stops updating it.I just had my final board exams,and after that I went on a relaxing vacation that was long overdue.So I'm finally back ,and I hope I can make it up to you guys with this ehhhm 'special' chapter <3

Also a huge shoutout to @Zerwash for being really sweet and supportive <3...Ok I'll stop now.

The crisp monsoon wind blew through the forest ,shaking it.The sky was overcast ,sun overshadowed by the dark monsoon clouds.Richard kicked a rock as he patiently waited for Seetha.He was standing below the banyan tree where Seetha had first taken him to when they first met.He looked up and smiled when he spotted an eagle with 2 tiny eaglets,they were patiently pecking food from their mother's open mouth.

"Looks like she fought for her home"

Richard turned around to see Seetha,her eyes glued to the nest

"Yes she did" He replied

"You look skirt" he stuttered

"You really have no idea how to do this ,do you?"Seetha chuckled.

"Not really" Richard scratched his head.

"Are you actually telling me that you have never courted any girl before?"

"Not really I never had the time to" Richard replied,his voice slightly tense.

"And now you do?"

"No,but I have to find time for you" He winked,hoisting her up

"Really ,why so?" Seetha giggled.

"I don't know maybe because you are the most beautiful woman I've ever encountered in my life" Richard grinned

"Stop lying and put me down"

"I'm not lying" Richard protested releasing her.

"Okay,whatever Mr. Greene" she winked

Richard grumbled.She knew he hated being called that.

"Okay now if you are done teasing me,can we go somewhere?" He said

"Where?" Seetha was confused.

"You'll find out soon"

Seetha finally gave up ,sitting down.they have been walking for the past half an hour but Richard refused to tell her where they were going.Seetha was worried to as they were already way past the forest border.Going too deep into the forest can prove dangerous.

"I'm not walking any further" She wined.

"Oh c'mon it's just a few minutes away"

"No I'm too tired and I'm not interested in being devoured by wild animals,so no"

"Seetha do you really think I'll lead you to danger?"

"But I'm too tired"

"Fine" He said.Seetha smiled and was about to lay down,when she was suddenly up in the air.Then she realized Richard had lifted her up.

"What are you doing?" She yelled.

"You said you were tired to walk"

"I didn't say,come lift me up,did I?"

"Nope but I don't think you have a choice now"

"Okay fine,put me down,I'll walk."Seetha said defeated.

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