Broken Promises.

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Seetha happily hummed a tune to herself ,as she walked through the village path,a slight spring in her steps.She had finished her morning chores early to go meet Richard.Seetha knew that Richard had retuned from his trip the night before.She thought about waiting at least a day before visiting him,but she was unable to contain her excitement any longer.The anticipation of meeting Richard made her feel tingly and hopeful,but she did not know why.He is just a friend,she kept reminding herself.

Seetha stopped in her tracks as she noticed a familiar figure approach  her.

"Ranjan?" She yelled running towards him.She happily embraced her childhood friend only to have him move away.Seetha looked at him ,puzzled.

A frown masked his face,his jaw tense.Seetha racked her brain for an explanation for his sudden change in behaviour,but couldn't come with any.

"Where were you the past couple of weeks?It's like you disappeared into thin air?"Seetha enquired ignoring his odd behaviour.

"I told you that I was going to visit my uncle but I guess there were more important things occupying your mind"Ranjan hissed through clenched teeth

"What are you implying?" Seetha asked taken aback by Ranajn's harsh tone.She had known Ranjan for almost 13 years,never had he ever talked to her in such a manner.

"You damn well know what I am implying" He yelled grabbing Seetha's arms.

"Don't you dare" Seetha warned ,her voice low.Ranjan quickly retracted his hand,moving back.

"What is all this about?" Seetha asked,her face impassive.

"The entire village is talking about you and.....the britisher" Ranjan spit venomously.

"Whatever I' doing,I'm doing it for the villagers,also since when did you start caring about what others say,they used to say the same about us,you never seemed to care then"

"Oh!wonderful! Now you are comparing our relation to ...that with that filthy ..."

"Mind your tongue Ranjan!" Seetha jumped to Richard's defence.

"Oh! and you claim that you are doing all of this for the villagers?How long will you keep lying to yourself Seetha?"

Seetha remained silent,her jaw clenching and unclenching.

"It won't be long before the entire village turns against you"

Ranjan halted,carefully observing Seetha,but her face remained impassive.

"what has happened to you Seetha,you were never the one to act on impulses"

Ranjan said softly ,reaching for her face,but Seetha promptly moved away.Ranjan's heart sinked,he felt as though someone had just punched him on the gut.

"Richard wants to help us,and I will do whatever it takes to help the people of this village,if that's what you mean"She said ,in a stern voice.

"Since when did you turn this naïve Seetha?I thought you were a clever girl,but I guess I was wrong"he stepped closer,hurt clear in his voice.

"How can you ever trust people like him?After all that  they have made us go through?" He asked,his voice cracking.

"Not all of them are the same Ranjan" She said calmly

"Oh ,what makes him so different?Did he offer to bed you in turn for the favour,or better yet has he already?"

Ranjan blurted out ,Seetha defending Richard again was the last straw for his nerves.

Seetha froze,tears blurring her vision.Ranjan's face softened as he processed what he had just said.

"Seetha I'm..."

Seetha raised her hand motioning him to stop.

"You know...Richard doesn't even know me like you do,but I'm sure he will never treat me or any woman the way you just did" Seetha furiously wiped her tears and walked away.

"And then back to B flat" Richard said gliding his finger through the keys.The music notes were sprawled across the table next to them.Seetha tried to mimic Richard's movements but gave up,halfway through the process.She got up frustrated.

"I'm not feeling well ,I think I should just leave"

"Wait ,what happened? You look sad" Richard placed his hand on her shoulder.

"It's nothing really,just a headache" Seetha lied.

"Well you know what they say.Music is the best healer" He said intertwining his fingers with hers.

Seetha remained still,unable to respond.He gently placed her fingers over each note,in order.Soon enough the perfect melody echoed through the room.But all Seetha could hear was the faint sound of his breathing on her neck.She felt his gaze upon her and her breath quickened.Richard let go of her hand after playing the very last note.He turned her around and their gaze locked.He gently stroked her cheeks and felt her heartbeat rise.

"You are so beautiful" He whispered as his face inched closer to hers.

Seetha shut her eyes close as she felt his lips upon hers,she didn't react at first but soon enough there lips were moving in sync.Richard grabbed her face moving her closer as the kiss became more heated.Seetha's arms were hooked to his shirt.

Moments passed,the couple broke apart and gasped for air.Seetha's face was flustered and red.She avoided his gaze and looked down,coming back to her senses.Ranjan's voice echoed in her head.Maybe he was right,maybe all he wanted was to bed her.Seetha felt angry at herself, for being so foolish.

She sprinted towards the door ,refusing to spare another look in his direction.

"Seetha" She heard him yell.But her feet refused to stop.Halfway through the hall,he got a hold of her.

"Seetha please,please just listen to what I have to say?" He pleaded

"I ..this is not right"She said refusing to meet his gaze

"Why? don't you like me?"

Richard's brows were furrowed,his gaze set intently on Seetha.

"I do but ,that's not important..we are too different..we.."Seetha stuttered, refusing to look at Richard.

"Seetha look at me" 

She refused to.

Richard pushed her chin up to meet his gaze.

"I really like you,and I don't see why anything else should matter"

He paused and looked at her with desperate eyes.

"I know we are too different,I know we are from two different worlds,but I really like you and I don't see why anything else should matter.This won't be easy.But I know you like me and I don't want to force you into anything you are not willing to do.But please give this a try.And if you decide otherwise,I'll forget all about this , you don't ever have to see me again and we can carry on with our lives.But please do this one favour for me –give this a real thought"

Seetha stared at him confused.He liked her?How did she not notice?A thousand different thoughts were racing through her mind.She felt completely lost.

"Can you do that for me?"Richard's voice brought her back to senses.His eyes were squinted against the bright sunlight.

  Seetha opened her mouth to speak,but her throat had gone dry.She suddenly felt claustrophobic,all she wanted was to get out of there.Seetha knew her life was a mess,maybe she should have listened to Ranajn's warning.Seetha silently cursed her bad luck.

She gave him a sly nod before pushing through and out the gigantic double doors at the mansion's entrance.

Richard stared at her retreating figure with hopeful eyes.    

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