For the First Time in... How Many Years?

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Hey bronies and pegasisters, guess who's back! If you said AV_Krypt, you'd be right! If you'd guess a hot actor/actress, well, sorry to disappoint.

Ok, enough small talk; this is bigger than anything! So after years I finally got inspiration to rewrite and continue this story. Somehow this got so many votes back when I wrote this in sixth grade which was... Like, four/three years ago? Yeah, it's been forever. Now however I actually got an idea to increase the chapters, improve the writing and plot, and definitely make sure that Starla Nigh gets a character makeover. Her background and personality will change drastically, and there will be more drama than what originally was included back with this crummy version of the story.

There is one thing I need from you wonderful bronies and pegasisters; would you like me to change the title of the story to something different or keep it the same?

Along with the story and character changes, the cover photo will also be undergoing some major changes, so that's why I ask. If you prefer the original title of this, then please leave a comment or pm me!
Also, I don't feel like taking the chapters down so I'm just going to be editing the chapters little by little. I'll post messages that — you who follow me — will receive to notify you of which chapters have been revised, but if you don't there will be a chapter update that will tell you all about the newly revised nine chapters once the new chapters have caught up to the current ones.

Until then pony-lovers, stay magical, be kind, be generous, continue your loyalty, never stop smiling, be honest with yourselves  and others, and always learn to forgive, but never forget!


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