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Scorching hot, smoldering ash
Eating away at things that should last Roaring flame circling 'round
Withering passions to the ground

In a sea of fire, unbearable heat
Dark smoke comes and envelops me Igniting fear and rage from within
A branding blaze stirs up inflamed sin

With scorching air, how biting the toll Scalding skin yet more incinerated is my soul
Scars from these trials are seared on my heart
Cauterizing inner pain, more suffocating than from the start

Cremate this body, reduce it to ashes
Throw me away like you did with the masses
Melt down my triumphs til there's nothing left
Continue to run from the fire, try to run from your theft

I didn't play with fire I danced within the hearth
They all told me to run, but I was looking to get hurt
But now I won't get burned by another liar
How can I, when I've become the fire?

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