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I had a nightmare last night
It filll my Heart full of fright
My body trembled, my frame shook
The air from my lungs the fear took

Upon the sea my dream began
Then under it I was, like sinking sand Struggling to surface, fighting to breathe
But out of the Shadows hands began dragging me beneath

Black demons who swam all around Covering my mouth so I couldn't make a sound
Clawing and biting at my hands and at my feet
Weighing me down so I couldn't break free

Terrified of my imminent Doom
So I teleported myself to safety of my room
But even there I found I wasn't safe
For I saw the King of the Demons standing in that place

He smiled at me with a red fiendish glow
And pointed at me, which let me know
That I would be downing again before this nightmare was done
But more than that, my torture had just begun

Again I was plunged into the icy abyss
And again it was the air that I so desperately missed
But I refused to drown like I had before
So instead I beached myself up on the shore

But once again I found my life put to the test
For the sand opened up and swallowed me up to my chest Frantically, I tried to claw my way out But I found that there was no Escape about

Then I saw the towering waves
They were bearing down like death, coming this way
I knew that there was no place to hide Nothing left to do but to take each wave in stride

They crashed down on me, and I could not protest
They were ripping me apart, and I could not find rest
Back and forth was the deadly dance that I was forced to play
Stuck in that drowning void until I shook awake

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