You Can't Control Me

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I'm not your puppet nor your china doll
Someone to be manipulated or placed on display
I know it gives you pleasure to see me fall
But alas! There won't come a day

I'm not your pet nor your servant Someone to be trained or bossed around
I know you regard me as a deviant Just because I stole your crown

You should have seen this day coming When I got sick of your tight leash
No really, it's quite funny,
How I won't give you any peace

I'm not your invention nor your creation
Someone to be fine-tuned or ruled over
I don't care if you're my relation
I've had enough of you, I'm now sober

Freedom isn't something to be withheld
Like a child's petty chore money Democracy isn't something that should be meld
With dirty brides and bound with cunning

I'm not your trained lion, or your exotic talking parrot
I don't need to fear your whip, or repeat your empty words
Because, as a human being, it's my freedom I'll inherit
'You can't control me', is the proclamation that you heard

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