Chapter 1

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"Ugh mom I don't need a stupid babysitter!" I said, following my mom into her room.

My mom and dad were going on a two week vacation to Fiji for their anniversary and I was happy for them but I didn't want a stupid babysitter. Ugh I am 17 years old I mean seriously.

"Sorry sweety but I am not leaving you here to take care of Ryan after what happened last time."

"That was one time and he's the one who started the fire."

"You were the one who let him use the stove."

She was now looking at me with her arms crossed. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room and downstairs. I saw my dad sitting on the couch. I stomped over to him and crossed my arms.

"Tell mom to cancel the babysitter." I said angrily.

He looked up from his newspaper and laughed.

"This isn't funny." I said sighing.

My dad put his hands up in defense and stood up. He gave me a hug and rested his chin on my head. He knew this always calmed me down. "Sorry baby but I agree with her."

I pulled away and looked at him shocked. My dad usually always agreed with me but this time he wasn't.

I just rolled my eyes and stomped back upstairs to my room. I slammed my door and flopped down on my bed, burying my face in my pillow. I could hear Ryan cheering about the news that I wasn't going to be watching him. Brat.

I rolled over and went on my phone. He was going to be here in an hour. I decided to get ready a little bit. If he is coming might as well look presentable right?

I got up and walked over to my closet to look at what I could wear. After about 10 minutes I picked out the perfect outfit (picture above ^)
I put on my outfit and looked at myself in the mirror. I admired myself and then walked into my bathroom.

I decided to straighten my hair because right now it was really wavy. When I was done with that I put on a little foundation and that's it.

When I was done with everything it was 4:45 and he was coming at 5:00. I went downstairs and saw my parents hugging my brother.

I walked over to them and they smiled at me. I smiled back and hugged my mom. "I'm gonna miss you guys." I said. "I'll miss you too. I love you." She said. I smiled and pulled away. I hugged my dad and then we heard the doorbell.

We all turned towards the door and I walked over and opened it. I saw a very, very hot guy standing there. He was like a fucking God. I didn't even notice I was staring until he said something.

"Um, hi I'm Ethan." He said holding out his hand. I blinked and then smiled. I shook his hand and said "Um, my names Kaitlyn." He smiled back and I moved out of the way so he could come inside.

He stepped in and my parents walked over to greet him. He was so hot. I can't believe he's only 21. Okay wait wtf am I saying. He's my babysitter I can't like him.

My brother ran over to him and held out his fist for him to bump. Ethan chuckled and then fist bumped him. I rolled my eyes at how stupid my little brother was.

My parents gave Ethan all of the information he needed about the house and what time we needed to go to school.

They waved goodbye to me and my brother and then grabbed their stuff and left. Ryan and I watched them put their stuff in the car and drive away.

I sighed and sat down on the couch. I turned on the T.V and started watching P.L.L. Ethan sat down next to me and chuckled.

"You actually like this show." He said.

I glared at him and crossed my arms.

"Um yes I like this show, got a problem."

Ethan shook his head and chuckled. I looked back at the T.V and continued watching.

Right as my two favorite characters were about to kiss Ryan jumped right in front of the T.V. I jumped up and yelled "Ryan what the hell, I was looking forward to that part."

Ryan crossed his arms and said "Oh why, did you want to see your two favorite characters make out." He then made a bunch of kissy faces and moved his tongue around. I rolled my eyes and said "Just hand me the remote so I can rewind it."

He looked at the remote and smirked. He snatched the remote and started to run up the stairs.
Okay so this is a bad part to stop at but who cares. I hope you all enjoyed this first part and I hope you have a great day! Bye bitches✌

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